I want to know WHY you chose P90X



  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I came to P90X with a different motivation than most folks here, age. I am closing in on sixty and watching people just twenty years older than me falling and breaking arms, hips, etc is scary. You “twenty somethings” can’t yet relate, but twenty years goes by pretty fast, so I wanted to do something to avoid problems in the not too far off future. I have now been through P90X several times and while I don’t have the physique of Tony (P90X trainer,) I am accomplishing my goal. I am stronger, fitter, my balance and coordination are better, and I even think physical fitness helps with mental acuity. I am also cycling and running and considering a sprint triathlon this summer. For me, P90X is not about physical appearance, it is about quality of life going forward. And I recommend it to everyone, folks like me and people of all ages. Life goes by fast; let's enjoy what we have.

    Hear! Hear! Well said John!
  • JustMichelleB
    Everyone I know who has done it has had remarkable results (unless the stopped doing it!). And the P90X Informercial always made me want to do it.
    I was already working out consistently, just wanted something more, something to kick my *kitten* in different way.
    P90X is it.
    I hope to keep it as part of my exercise regimen for a good long time. So a very solid, sound investment (I don't have a gym membership, and the cost of the DVDs isn't bad at all when you think about what you're getting).
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    OK, so I know you all have been waiting patiently for me to answer why I chose P90X (LOL)! So here goes... My reason were many. First my wife and I had a paid in full membership to a nation wide chain gym (we still had over a year left at the time I found P90X). For a while the gym worked great for us, but mainly because we each worked with personal trainers 3 times a week. Which as I am sure a lot of you know is very expensive. Anyway as we worked with the trainers it was amazing how we never had to wait around for a machine or a piece of equipment, so we kept our heart rate elevated pretty much the whole work out. Unless one of us had to stop working out to go break up a fight between our kids that were in child care ( this is reason one). Reason two once we stopped using the trainers (couldn't afford them anymore), it seemed like no matter what equipment or machine we wanted to use there was always a pack of juice heads standing around posing and chatting about how big their pecs were. Third reason the commute, 30 mins each way, and if the weather was not so nice, FORGET IT! Last and certainly not least for me, I was also enrolled in Kenpo at the time, so when I saw that there was a Kenpo X work out I was immediately drawn to the program. Even did research about were Tony learned his Kenpo from (Wesley Idol, the guy in the back of the room is a legit 2nd degree black belt *at the time*, I traced his lineage on a Kenpo website I have access to).

    Anyway so one night when I couldn't sleep there was the infomercial, I did some research and found a team of coaches I liked. Talk to a few people and then heard about how as a coach I could get 25% off. SOLD!!! Then I started making some money, but that is another story...

    Keep Pushing Your Fitness Forward!
