What the what?!

There is sooooo much stuff out there that I feel like I "need" and I can't sort out which to purchase 1st. (FYI: these are in no particular order)

1) Running shoes--Im set to run a 10k in July--July 4th to be exact and mama needs a new pair of shoes.

2) Sports bra (I need at least 2 Enells)--Ok my boobs are huge. Let's just say they're bigger than a D and they need to be tamed...especially during Insanity. And running. And jumping. And...did I say running? Lol

3) HRM--Ive read a heart monitor is the way to go in order to see where you REALLY are while working out. But do the HRM & the body bugg thingies do the same thing???

4)Body Bugg or Fit Bit--maybe not a need but I think it may be helpful to my efforts.

5)Cross Trainers--I prefer to have a seperate set of workout shoes because I'm tough on sneeks and I need running shoes to last until July at least!

6) Braids--being black my hair doeant quite agree with heavy sweating. Sigh so braids would make it super easy to keep my hair looking great.

Soooooo....what do I pick first? They all cost about the same--ugh this is hard. Maybe I should just buy a $1 lotto tkt and hope for the best LOL


  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Well If I were you I would go for the bra and then the braids!!! I have a big chest as well and I can not tell anyone how painful your chest can hurt after a hard workout. Also I may not have your hair but I will tell you if it is one thing I can't stand is my hair annoying me which would make the workout very annoying!! Then I would say go for the shoes (not for the 10k as they need to last till July so why not buy them later so they last longer). Then depending on when you get money to get the rest and how close I would go with the running shoes for the 10K the heart monitor and Body Bug (I don't know what that is) could probably wait till later. Hope that helps :)
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    If you're already running, get the shoes. If not then get the HRM......duct tape the boobs.......then get braids :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    ......duct tape the boobs......

    LMAO:laugh: That is what my guy suggested to me last night!!
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    I'd say the shoes first. You need some cushion and support for the joints! Then the girls need their support!!!
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    Bras!!! The shoes won't help if the girls are in too much pain to keep running.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Bras!!! The shoes won't help if the girls are in too much pain to keep running.

    what she said.

    once tried to do my work out tape while still in jammies (no bra) it did not work
  • Reykur
    Reykur Posts: 18
    If you use ductape make sure you ductape the outside of what ever your wearing under there. I put it around my calves once than was on sheetrocking stilts for an hour. It hurt so bad to take back off. It peeled off the top layer of skin

    A bit absent minded of me,
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    Bras and shoes really are a must. Maybe get 1 bra and crosstrainers to start with and then get your running shoes next month which will give you time to get used to them before the race. And then in June treat yourself to another new bra.

    A cheapo hrm from walmart for $24-27 will do the trick, they do not constantly update so you have to remember to check your heartrate every couple minutes for better accuracy. You can get one for 46 that will constantly read your heartrate through a chest strap (also at walmart)

    My gal pal Chardae is only 22 but has a receding hair line on the sides because of getting braids since she was 12. So these wouldn't be high on my list, but to each there own. Perhaps start a seperate thread to see what other ladies do with their hair while exercising. Someone may have a fabulous and cheap idea...
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    hmm i bet vet wrap would work better than duct tape. sticks to itself not to you
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Shoes - cause you can't run without legs and feet -take care of them and stay injury free!!

    Bra - Protect the girls. I wonder though, if you could use an ace bandage to give you some more support in the meantime.

    Braids - Hair is annoying

    Cross trainers take care of those feet!

    The HRM and Body Bugg (basically kind of the same tihng) I think aren't necessary. You can workout without them.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    ......duct tape the boobs......

    LMAO:laugh: That is what my guy suggested to me last night!!

    Sadly, it doesn't work so well. (I'm a queer woman who cross dresses and has big boobs.) Ace bandages work better for binding but it's still hard to breathe and I would not recommend it for any strenuous workout (like running or, well anything else...)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Wow...you guys are amazing (and frickin funny as hell)! So the common theme is boobs first, shoes second, hair and HRM are neck and neck. Thanks bunches.

    The boob thing is so annoying. I wear an old regular bra, then 2 sports bras, then a Danskin tank with a support shelf bra thingy in it. It doesn't stop the bounce (inevitable I guess) all together but it holds em in...problem is they pop out of the top like baked bread. TMI I know...but I'm sure some of ya'll can relate. One day, I am going to design a line of clothing specifically centered around the big boob ladies who work out. It's rough!

    The hair I pretty much wash in the mornings and rock it wet/wavy because it's short. I guess I can deal with that for a bit.
  • MyFatPublicSecrets
    MyFatPublicSecrets Posts: 85 Member
    Just thought I would give ya my two sense on the booby issue. lol .... I wear a bra with underwire then a way too small and tight sports bra OR two! and then the tank on top of that. It works great. Without that, I can't even exercise! .... sounds like its super uncomfortable, but seriously try it because its way more comfy than trying to exercise without them! lol!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    I found this post while comparing sports bras. It's pretty neat.
