bold enough to say to shorties from a 5'8 girl.

my ultimate goal is 125 i was sharing this with a coworker and she said the typical oh goodness no your 5'8 your much too tall for that. my question was to her why??? why can i not be 125 say as a woman who is 5'5 being tall does not mean i cannot be tiny like any other woman. when i was 170 everyone thought i looked fine i still think that was too much to weigh for ME ok so i just wanted to put it out there for those tall woman who do get annoyed by this to shorter women guess what at the end we all want and have goals. since im 5'8 should i not where heels???(by the way i do wear heels and love my long legs) my point period. i think in real life this will be something i will share from now on to deal with my annoyance of it.:wink:


  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    You are just about correct. eing 125 pounds would give you a bmi of 19 which is ok. But I can understand her concern, it sounds low for 5'8" ans when I calculated I was expecting it to make you underweight.

    But we were both wrong,clearly you know your body!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I felt my best at 120-125...have a little bit to go yet. I'd be good w/ 125-130. I'm also 5'8"....and I'm a shoe *kitten* - especially heels ;)

    P.S. Congrats on the weight loss! That's an amazing loss & you look amazing!
  • jenthestrawberry
    jenthestrawberry Posts: 93 Member
    You've worked really hard, and know your body, you're what matters!
  • bebababy
    bebababy Posts: 50 Member
    ok coming from a 5'4 chick who always wanted to be a little bit taller i can say they just hating lol!! If i was 5'11 like my mom i don't know if i would even try to lose these 30 pounds lol. i think in the end what is of the up most importance is that you are healthy both mentally and physically! congrats on all the weight you have lost and continue to lose. you inspire to work get up to working out 6 times a day. i am 5'4, just turned 39year, married for 20 years have3 babies and 30lbs to lose.

    so, I say you go girl and brush those haters off!! and keep it moving.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    thanks so much ladies for the support! it sooooo amazing how people are such experts at weightloss and that fine if they think that too low from me but please give me another reason other then im tall and with that bmi my soon to be hubby is under weight for his height but he cannot help it and he not dying so who knows.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    hey, you know your body best right? if you get to 130 and feel ok there, you always have the option to stop. i am 5'7" and my goal is 120lbs.

    ps, ROCK THOSE HIGH HEELS. i just bought amazzzzing boots with four inch heels and i am super in love <3
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    ok coming from a 5'4 chick who always wanted to be a little bit taller i can say they just hating lol!! If i was 5'11 like my mom i don't know if i would even try to lose these 30 pounds lol. i think in the end what is of the up most importance is that you are healthy both mentally and physically! congrats on all the weight you have lost and continue to lose. you inspire to work get up to working out 6 times a day. i am 5'4, just turned 39year, married for 20 years have3 babies and 30lbs to lose.

    so, I say you go girl and brush those haters off!! and keep it moving.

    by the way i love women (not gayish lol) in every height after all we just want to be equally in the end it what women before have been fighting for and still is.
  • Fineraziel
    Fineraziel Posts: 140
    I would say it depends on your body type... I am 5'8. The lowest Ive ever seen on the scale is 128, but I was very sick and wasnt able to eat for almost 3 weeks... and I did gain back some weight as soon as I started eating again! :P When I was younger (16-20 y-o) my normal weight was 137 and I think I was looking great!!! :D I am big boned (no joke! :P) and I was pretty muscular at the time since I was walking a lot.

    Right now, I am 29 y-o and I weight 142 lbs. Since Im older and had two babies, my body type is a bit different now. I am not at all muscular as I used to be (my JLO's *kitten* is gone! *sigh*). My legs are thinner than they ever were. Feels weird to me! lol :P Anyway, just to say : I think now I could still lose 10-15 pounds since I still got some belly fat to lose. So that would bring me close to 125 for 5'8...
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not as tall as you I'm 5'6 and half but when I tell people I want to lose 35 more lbs they gasp and tell me no I'll be too skinny blah blah blah but they don't realize that it still puts me in the healthy catagory according to the BMI and not even at the lowest ..... right in between low and mid range actually. think people are just used to seeing people as curvy or heavy and their perception of a healthy weight has been distorted by all the obesity in the world.

    I have a goal in mind and I'm sticking to it!

    Good for you for setting a goal and I know you will reach it!!

    Oh and I love heels.....I could live in 4-6 inch stillettos. SOOOOOO SEXY!!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I could not even begin to guess what the ideal weight for another person is. 125 sounds very low to me but what do I neighbor is amost 6 ft tall and she is about 130 and looks freaking fantastic...I am 5 ft tall and weigh in at 118 and wear a sze 0 or pretty depends on how you carry your weight...I am pretty lean and have some muscle definition that is how I can carry 118 this little...if you have a lot of muscle definition and are really lean I bet you would look fantastic at a heavier weight...but maybe just maybe 125 is the perfect place for you...I know many 5 footers that weigh in in the 100-105 and don't "look" much thinner than who knows
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I'm also 5'8. The lowest I've ever been in my adult life is 170 lbs. I thought I looked pretty good but still had some "chunky" areas so my goal was always 150 lbs.....I never made it there.

    This time around I'm just gonna go with what feels right. When I make it back down to 170 I'll stop and reassess my goals. If I feel like moving on down to 150 or 140 I will. I've never imagined myself lower than 150 lbs. but then again I've never been there either. I think if it makes you feel good and it's still within the realm of "healthy" then go for it. If you get down there and don't like the view you can always move back up in weight.
  • NanoReefDiver
    I'm 5'7" and aiming for 122. Been there before and it looked great. Go for it! :bigsmile:
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    thanks so much ladies for the support! it sooooo amazing how people are such experts at weightloss and that fine if they think that too low from me but please give me another reason other then im tall and with that bmi my soon to be hubby is under weight for his height but he cannot help it and he not dying so who knows.

    Ok, based on your picture your bones are more dense than mine (I'm a 5'8" female) which means you should weigh more. Then again this point is fairly moot since I have no desire to have a seriously model thin stature. :-D You look pretty athletic, too and muscle weighs more than fat. I don't know. If I were to give a scientific argument those would be they. :-) (has something about african-americans having denser bones).
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" and weighed 122lbs today... and I feel fantastic at this size. I don't listen to the haters. I am still within a healthy BMI even if I get down to 118lbs. People bigger than me are saying I'm too thin... thin people tell me I look great... coincidence... I think not!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    I'm 5'6.5" and weighed 122lbs today... and I feel fantastic at this size. I don't listen to the haters. I am still within a healthy BMI even if I get down to 118lbs. People bigger than me are saying I'm too thin... thin people tell me I look great... coincidence... I think not!

    i notice that too stephanie i really starting to think becasue obesity is such a prob that people dont understand weight vs. body fat and what a healthy weight really is. but either way bones dense or not black or not 125 will suite me fine. if im all muscle then i be one lean fat burning machine:wink:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Personally I do think 125 is very low, but as long as you feel fine with it, go gor it! And like said before, you're still within a normal BMI range, so don't worry about what others think.

    I also want to say WOOOOW you lost 188 lbs already, what an outstanding achievement!!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think 125 will look fab, although you know your own body shape and what will look good on it.. Its definitely on the lower end of a healthy weight, but it is still a normal healthy weight. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be slim.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    Sometimes people see us tall people and go,"you want to weigh WHAT?!", and a lot of time the person saying that weighs more than MY personal experience with my friends and acquaintances.

    I think you will be fine, as long as you're eating healthy and you feel good.

    I'm pretty much 6', and I have had the "magic number" of 135 stuck in my head the past few months. However I've started to lean towards toning and firming up, and focusing on inches and whatnot than the weight. Because I know even if I do weigh 135, I am not going to look good if I'm flabby because I haven't toned up at all. We'll see.

    Good luck!
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    im 5'7 and want to get to 125! go for it girl! :)
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    I am 5'8.5 inches tall... at 9 months pregnant I weighed 129 lbs...( admittedly lost 15 lbs during pregnancy from hyper-emesis)
    I still had my big ol' donkey booty at 125 lbs ( I USED to be built sorta like Serena Williams)
    my current goal is to get back to 135 lbs... when I get there, I probably try to get to 125 just to see if I can do it again...but I probably would go back to 135 after I did it....