Ab Circle Pro

Hi all! I'm just curious if anyone on MFP has used an Ab Circle Pro, and if so, did you like it? I'm considering getting one, as it's offered in my MasterCard Points Rewards Catalog (so it's great that I don't have to shell out any cash!). Any thoughts???


  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I have one. Use it once & a while....but I wish I wouldn't have bought it - could've just done ab workouts on the floor or a dvd. Wanna buy mine? ;)
  • knantz
    knantz Posts: 68
    Check the facebook page for this (or any possible gimmick item) to get true reviews from real users. I was so gonna buy this thing as it looked fun and a lot easier than situps and crunches. And the additional thigh exercise had me all excited at the potential. Then on a whim I checked up on it on facebook. The original manufacturers page. Reviews not so good. Talking about parts wearing out rapidly was the main complaint.
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    I bought one off of ebay, ( which had never been used) the bad thing is the rollers are cheaply made. Right away the coating started coming off and whenever I use it I have to spray the track w/ WD-40 so the stuff does not come off. There is also no replacement for them once they wear out. They look like an easy fix for abs, but definitely not worth the money. If your are going to invest- go get a medicine ball, they have ab wrkouts for those or a balance ball.
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    I have one. I hate to admit it but I tend to fall for such things. I own Mighty Putty. Sigh. Well, lets just say when I use it (which isn't often) I tend to feel it more in my back.