Stop Smoking!!



  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I have been smoke free for 3 weeks. I used the patch for a couple of weeks, and it was ok. I really found that support from other non smokers (here), was what it took. Check out this:
    This is the thread I have been using and has been WONDERFUL! Please come check us out. We are here for you!
    Good Luck, no matter how you decide to do it.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Champix helped me. 25 year long smoker - Pack a day.
    Smoke free for almost 2 months now. No cravings, and I used Gum and a straw for the first week .

    This ebook helped me.

    For those wondering.
    This is actually Varenicline Tartrate, a prescription drug branded and marketed by Pfizer by the name Chantix in the USA and Champix in other countries including the EU and Canada. It is said to reduce cravings for cigarette and tobacco, reduces the pleasures received from the nicotine and thereby helps in smoking cessation.
  • loseit65
    loseit65 Posts: 47
    yes i am a closet smoker 4-5 smokes a day. but i just recently got as a gift the electronic cigarette. Is pretty neat, one filter will last you as if smoking 2 paks a day. , the tip lights up red, and when you blow in, you actually exhale smoke- or vapor, taste like menthol. I'm hoping it works, good luck :)
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I tried Chantix twice. It was a temporary fix, made me go through withdrawal to the point where I was throwing up, made me have CRAZY dreams, and overall made me feel like crap. It works though, but like I said, temporarily. I quit Dec. 10, 2010. I got a case of bronchitis, couldn't smoke while I was sick, and 5 days later decided I just wasn't going to pick them up anymore. I don't recommend going and getting bronchitis, but I was just at the point where I wanted to quit. I was sick of it. It's just like losing weight....if you want it bad enough, you can make it happen. It's all about retraining your mind. Good luck. After about 3-4 weeks of hell, you will find that you have never tasted better food, or smelled better smells, or felt better in general.
  • PeaceLoveStrength
    PeaceLoveStrength Posts: 87 Member
    In 2009 my husband and I tried Chantix and it did help coupled with the smoking cessation class(had to take it for the free prescription), we were quit for 2 months. We really didn't have any negative side effects and I thought the weird dreams were cool. We unfortunately went back to smoking when we were preparing for a huge cross country move.

    Today marks the 2 week smoke free mark for us. We used gum and straws to help with the first few days. My biggest motivator is the fact that my friend's uncle just died of esophageal cancer from 30 years of smoking last week. :frown:
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I used the e-cigarette and it worked great for me. I've tried many ways but the e-cig worked perfect for me. I adjusted the nicotine level until I could have zero. I still use it just no nicotine, I just use a little menthol and water now. Helps me clear up my lungs before I go on runs. I love it.
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    HELP!?! I have a HUGE problem with the quit smoking thing. I am in the medical field and am fully aware of all the bad stuff. However, I don't have the greatest desire to quit. I've been praying for the "want to", because I know that's the only way I'll stop. I rationalize it because I've only been smoking since April 2007 and never more than a 3/4 pack per day. Tried the e-cigs..not as enjoyable as a cigarette. I switched to 100% tobacco cigarettes several months ago. It totally cut the nicotine "fits" / cravings. They are really strong and take longer to smoke. Now I only have 1 w/ my morning coffee (because I like to) while I read paper (again, the habit / ritual thing). I don't have any during the day. I have 1 after work during commute. And then 1-3 more in evening, depending on how much my 6 yr old son is annoying me. Of course, I smoke more the 2-3 times a month I drink. But, basically, I don't have the feeling that I HAVE to have a smoke. I smoke when I WANT to. I know I need to quit. My kids beg me, but it is a stress release. Also-hubby has been smoking since age 5 (no joke) and he's 37. When he lights up, it makes me want one. I know if I can't quit for me, I should quit for my loved ones. He'd be more likely to quit if I did, I think. I like the locket idea..might have to find one!
    Basically-try the 100% "natural" tobacco cigarettes. It allows you to cut out nicotine cravings and really cut back on # of cigs per day. You can also "social smoke" with them and not want to go out and buy a pack the next day!
  • Half_of_Bri
    Half_of_Bri Posts: 45 Member
    I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago. The only advice I really have for you is that when you're really ready, you'll be able to do so. I quit cold turkey. The first 3-4 days were HELL, but also a great reminder of just how addicted I really was. I never wanted to have to quit again. I had the support of my husband who put up with me...which was great, because he kept encouraging me to stick with it. After the first week, the cravings were much less frequent and it was just a conscious decision not to buy cigarettes anymore. Those first few days are the hardest, but once you get over the hump you'll be proud of yourself and it will get much easier. Good luck to you!