Why am I not losing weight?

lisasp4 Posts: 73 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Ive been counting my calories for about a month.

I have had the odd day where ive fallen off the wagon but only about 3 days.

Ive been walking more, eating less and eating heathier and ive only lost 1lb.

Why am I not losing more? It doesnt make sense.

Feel like giving up.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Can you open your diary to the public so we can see what you are eating? It would be heaps easier to make recommendations if we knew what you were eating everyday.

    Also, are you logging drinks other than water? Keeping track of sodium? Eating back exercise calories?

    What kinds of exercise and how often are you doing them?
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    Could you be more specific? I don't know what you're eating per day or what your current weight is.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Hey Lisa - firstly, open up your food diary. Secondly, as aforementioned, you could be retaining water from too much sodium / salt. Make sure you're drinking lots of water! Thirdly, (sorry to be gross), but make sure you're having plenty of fibre so that you're regular, you could be retaining something other than water!!! Make sure you're eating most of your exercise calories back, and remember, if you've made a big lifestyle change (especially with exercise as trained muscles can swell and retain water), your body can go into panic mode the first couple of weeks and either lose a lot, lose nothing, or even gain weight! Sit it out :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Ive been counting my calories for about a month.

    I have had the odd day where ive fallen off the wagon but only about 3 days.

    Ive been walking more, eating less and eating heathier and ive only lost 1lb.

    Why am I not losing more? It doesnt make sense.

    Feel like giving up.

    Firstly totally ignore Bubbakid1.

    Next, either open up your food diary or give us a bit more info. Your height and weight to lose. What calories you are actually eating etc.

    Without any info everything is just guesswork.....If you're close to or within a healthy weight it will come off slower, much slower. It can also take some peoples bodies a while to catch up so what you eat this week may not make a difference for a couple of weeks. If you have been eating food labelled low fat then its sometimes packed with salts and sugars which can make you retain fluids. Are you double checking the nutritional info of the foods you are entering, many user entries are well off the mark. What are you drinking, its quite easy to be getting 1000 calories just from cordial...there are so many reasons why you may not be losing.

    Oh and take measurements too...the scale is only one indicator of success
  • From what I can, you are not eating enough!! Eating less than 1000 calories will definitely not help you lose weight, and you're probably super grumpy (I know I was!). Try eating at least 1200 if you're not exercising, and more if you are. Track your exercise goals and increase them as you get stronger. I know it sounds crazy, but you need to eat enough to sustain your body....or you will be running on empty.
  • sunflowerkb
    sunflowerkb Posts: 7 Member
    I know how that is! It happend to me in the beginning. I was doing all that too and nothing happened until about 6 weeks into it where I started losing a little and then boom, last week I drop 4 lbs. I think our bodies need time to adjust. I worked with a personal trainer for 5 of those weeks and didn't lose one pound. I felt like I was killing myself in those workouts. And nothing. Don't give up. Please don't give up. I lost 50 lbs a few years ago and "settled in" and gained 35 back. Because I gave up, gave in. I know it is hard and frustrating to not see the results you desire. They'll come if you are really keeping track of food, liquid and workouts. Take Care and keep on truckin'!:flowerforyou:
  • Looking at your food diary, you're eating too few calories. I know that seems counter-intuitive, but it happened to me when I first started out also. Raise your calorie intake to about 1400 and try to actually be somewhere close to that each day (over or under by 150 cal). Also, I don't see your exercise logged. If you're burning a bunch of calories, you've got to make those up by eating something healthy. Lastly, are you paying attention to your carb:protein:fat ratios? Part of success is eating healthy, not just watching the total calorie intake. I did a bunch of research and asked a lot of questions here on MFP, and thanks to all the great answers, I adjusted my nutritional ratios so that, in order to meet my daily goals, I have to eat healthy. Welcome to MFP-- this site is an amazing wealth of information and support! :bigsmile:
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    My only suggestions are more water and you definitely should be eating breakfast. After a long night's sleep you need to kick your metabolism into high gear and the only way to do that is to eat something healthy in the morning. Hope this helps...

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I agree with what has already been said. Your not eating enough and your not eating at least 3 meals per day. It makes a big difference
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    it looks for sure like you are not eating enough. Are you doing any exercise?
    How much weight do you wish to lose?
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    I have been on a plateau for the last 2 weeks and my doctor recommends resistance training (treadmill, eliptical, stationery bike) they challenge the body outside of the "comfort zone" and burn more calories.......just a thought for you ... Good Luck on your journey! :bigsmile:
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    First of all, you are not tracking your intake everyday so you may not know how many times you have fallen off the wagon or how far you have gone overboard.

    Secondly, exercise.
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