The other half to Brewz whos just joined !

maddy43 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi , im Maddy from the uk ... the other half to Brewz who joined earlier today.

I have multi factual fatique after cancer treatment ( im all clear of cancer now) I also had very painful legs to the point that it was alot of effort to move off the settee and somedays i could hardly move at all..

3 weeks ago the pain stopped , i dont know how it just did.

I am now alittle more active and do things faster , i still have to nap during the day . I have in those 3 weeks lost 1 stone without even trying !

During my time in the last 5 years of being poorly i have put on 3 stone , having lost 1 stone i now have 2 stone to lose.
Being pain free and being able to move my legs a whole lot more has given me a real boost for life - i thought i would be like that forever and really couldnt see an end to it.

I have a terrible coffee addiction which i know i need to kick into touch.
I can go upto 2 days without eating .
I hate water.

On the plus side , when i do eat i do eat healthy , salmon , salads fruit etc.
I also am not big on sweets or cakes or naughties like that - which is good .

I am hoping that this site will regulate my eating habbits to be healther and be able to lose the rest of my weight. and hopefully i will get some of the life i lost back before the cancer.

Sorry i may have waffled on there !
look forward to joining in .



  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    welcome :) glad ur all clear now :) here's to a better lifestyle :drinker:

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • Brewz
    Brewz Posts: 10 Member
    Aha! Look what the cat dragged in! :)

    Hi Maddy, glad to see you've settled are we in competition now then?

  • maddy43
    maddy43 Posts: 7
    Thanks Kirstie xxx

    and yep hun you had better get your bum into gear - cos this gal is beating you already !

    You know i always win ...If a Brad Pitt lookalike bod doesnt walk through my door in 3 months time hun you will have to do a forfeit ... and by that time i shall need a whole new wardrobe ... so you will be handing over your credit card .... i did warn you it will cost ya if you fail ... rofl.
  • Brewz
    Brewz Posts: 10 Member
    Lol ok you're on!

    I'll start saving just incase....and if i owe me a cuppa!

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