How do I thin my thighs?



  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    There is also no such thing as tone in the sense that most people think about it. Just definition. Definition only comes with the loss of sub-cutaneous (under the skin) fat.
  • darrenham
    darrenham Posts: 110 Member
    This. You have to reduce overall bodyfat to "tone" or thin areas. You can't do spot reduction

    You're too quick, I added an edit.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Pilates should doesn't burn a lot of cals but it's a great way to sculpt the thighs as well as the hips and tummy.:smile:
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    You cannot reduce just your thighs. You need to lose lose far over all your body. As you do so your thighs will eventually shrink as well.

    While I agree with this and this is very true for men - us women have a different hormonal profile and we tend to deposit fat in our hips and thighs. This fat is necessary for hormone production and does not want to go away very easily. However with exercise it can be improved. Squats, lunges, uphill walking, climbing stairs, yoga and pilates will help.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Squats lunges in every way possible!! The muscle you build burns the fat around it. I have super muscular legs. I have a baby picture in just a diaper and I look like a wrstler my legs were so muscular lol. What are you doing in your workouts? Are you doing just cardio?
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    You cannot reduce just your thighs. You need to lose lose far over all your body. As you do so your thighs will eventually shrink as well.

    This is true and not true. If this is 100% true than just cardio is what everyone would need for a toned body but its not you have to do full body exercises to get each muscle group. So yes Doing 100 squats will not solve the problem but including squats will contribute and sculpt.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Squats lunges in every way possible!! The muscle you build burns the fat around it.

    This is not quite right. Muscle burns fat from all over, not the fat around it. Fat mobilisation is a hormonal event, and hormones travel to the whole body through the bloodstream. All fat is effected.

    After all, you don't see runners with super-thin legs and fat torsos.

    Edit: Typo
  • Breeeeezy
    I think the free Biggest Loser workouts ondemand are very effective, Also there aer alot of great videos on youtube here are some that might interest you....