i SHOULD know this, but...

leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
ok, so i have gained 2 lbs in 3 days..i haven't been going over my fats or cals, as i am VERY careful to watch those, along with everything else, but is it possible to gain 2 lbs of muscle in 3 days ? i just don't get it..it's frustrating, yet again, but i know as always i will get over it..just wondering


  • Could simply just be water retention :)
  • codyyde
    codyyde Posts: 36
    It might be water weight if you think you are bloated or if its around that time of the month? Just an idea. Also if you're weighing yourself often maybe only try weighing yourself once a week because weight does fluctuate.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    it is possible to gain that much weight from morning to afternoon. stop weighing yourself daily. you should weigh once a week, first thing in the morning after you get out of bed and go to the restroom and before you make another move. then take your measurements.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I would say that if you are really working your muscles lately they may be holding water right now as they work to repair themselves. If not, I would look into your sodium intake. You may be retaining water from low calorie, but very salty food. Good luck!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    You should probably weigh yourself once a week. We can go up and down throughout the week. I weigh myself everyday,but I just got a new scale, and can't resist it. Once the novelty wears off, I am sure I will start to weigh once a week.
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    Could just be timing. When I weigh myself right when I wake up its usually 2lbs higher then if I wait a couple of hours.
  • Are you going over on your sodium each day? That could make you retain water that could account for the extra poundage. I heard that its hard to just gain muscle fast like that. It could be but most likely its water retention. Just make sure to drink plenty of H2O to help with bloat and water retention :)
  • I feel your pain...I am very frustrated right now. I've never really worked out before, but I started the gym two weeks ago and have been taking hour long zumba, bomba or kickboxing classes 3 times a week. I have not eaten more than 1500 calories a day and I gained 1.5 lbs. I am feeling like it's not worth the trouble. I know it's not good to feel that way, but I haven't lost any weight and it's making me stressed out!
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    Sounds like water retention. TOM, too much sodium, sore muslces holding onto water? It is next to impossible to gain muslce weight on a calorie deficit. Just can't happen. That's why body builders and those trying to "bulk up" run a calorie EXCESS.
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