Cardio or Weight Lifting??

mwray06 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on Cardio vs weight lifting?? Is one more important than the other?? I find I feel stronger after lifting, however I feel I lose more weight after doing more cardio. Is there a balance or should I do both for a certain amount of time, and if so what order?? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to mix it up and maybe try something new! Thanks :)


  • I think a combo of the two is best. I typically lift 2 days a week. I warm up with some cardio and finish with cardio. Not too much, just about 20 mins or so after. The other days I do cardio but mix it up. I do turbo kick, cycling classes, ellipitcal, stair master, running, etc. I generally do an hour of cardio if time permits. I typically work out 5-6 days a week and my day off is still pretty active.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    you can easily do both. go on the treadmill & run / walk fast for 30 seconds, get your heart rate up there, then jump off, do some lifting, then get back on the treadmill. My trainer has us do circuits like that.. 30 seconds on the treadmill running on a 10 incline, then hop off for 15 secnod break & do weights for 30 seconds, then 15 second break, back on the treadmill, etc. if you heart rate monitor, it will help you know what your heart rate is... it's the key to burning fat. jillian michael's has a No More Trouble zones DVD that helps burn fat while toning up too
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Weight training and then cardio!!! You gotta have both. Weight training reshapes the muscles, giving you that nice toned and great looking shape while cardio loses the weight while "tightening" up the skin while losing the weight.

    Heres my weight training schedule: Day 1: shoulders, biceps and triceps (usually 45 minutes to complete pf non stop weight training) with 30 minutes of cardio
    Day 2: Legs (usually an hour of non stop weight training) with 30 minutes of cardio
    Day 3: Chest and back (usually 45 minutes to an hour to complete of non stop weight training) and 30 minutes of cardio
    Day 4: back to legs again
    Day 5: shoulders, biceps and triceps
    Day 6: Rest
    Day 7: Legs
    Day 8: chest and back
    Day 9: Legs
    Day 10: shoulders biceps and triceps

    I think you get the idea... Each day consist of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio... Sometimes I take 2 days off a week.
    I do abs 3 times a week using p90x ab ripper x

    I hope this gives you an idea of a workout schedule. Everyone is different.

    Weight training will help your body burn extra calories up to 24 hours. And you gotta, and I mean GOTTA add the cardio!!! You need it as well!!! I didn't lose 75lbs and keep it off for over 2.5 years by skippin one or the other. I've always done both!!! People still say that I look like I am losing more weight, well they are wrong I've been maintining my same weight for over a year by doin just that weight training and cardio. I love working out!!! You will continue to tone even after you lose all of your weight!!! So DO BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I have to go with both. Cardio has been great for actually losing pounds, but it wasn't until I really started committing to weights that I have seen the shape and definition I want in my legs and arms.
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    Both, definitely. Cardio is obviously a burn, but weight lifting increases lean muscle mass, which increases metabolism. Both help you burn in the end.

    I usually do both everyday. about 30-45 min. of cardio and at lease 30 min of lifting. I read somewhere that if you do cardio and then lift it wil make you leaner, vs. lift then cardio which will add mass. I want to say it was Men's Fitness, but I can't verify it. I'll just throw that out there.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I agree with alphasigalum: the combination is best. That's been my hardest issue in doing P90X. I typically do a lot more cardio than the P90X program does. I usually add cardio days on the days where the program says to stretch or rest and the yoga day.
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    Cardio helps you burn more calories, faster. Lifting helps you preserve lean muscle mass while on a low calorie diet. BOTH are extremely important when trying to lose weight. I do cardio at least 4-5 times a week (I'm training for half marathon and full marathon, so usually at least 45 min up to 3 hours) and I lift 3+ times a week for an hour each.

    You should aim for what fits in your schedule best, at first. Then work on perfecting it. If you are giong to do cardio and lifting in the same workout, I like to lift first so that my form is good. I found that if I run/cycle first, I am fatigued and my form goes right out the window.
  • hcarla
    hcarla Posts: 3
    We've been learning in my nutrition class that it's important to do both. Muscle burns more calories that fat but, more importantly, is that we lose muscle over the years which may contribute to osteoporosis. Strength training is a way of preventing that. Cardio is great in terms of burning calories so try to do some of both. Maybe do cardio one day and weights the next.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Definately do both. Weight lifting burns a lot of calories as well. Also when dieting, your body doesn't just burn fat, it also burns some muscle, so you want to lift to try to prevent muscle loss.

    You're also going to feel much better by doing both in my opinion.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    A good combination. Weight lifting/Strength training increases your metabolism for a higher daily burn. Cardio can burn some calories and is great for your cardiovascular system. I lift 3x per week and am working in a couple of 30 minute HIITs on the treadmill. You lose a lot of water after cardio. I notice a drop too. But too much cardio can have a bad affect on your metabolism. The body treats too much cardio as stress and will try and protect itself (one way is defending your fat stores and digging into your lean muscle mass for fuel).

    What we burn at rest and sleep and during normal daily activity is fat. Weight lifting increases your lean muscle mass therefore increasing your daily calorie burn. I wear a BodyMedia Fit Armband. It's worn 24/7. When I lift I have a higher daily burn the next day even if I don't exercise.

    It's good to mix things up. You have to keep the body guessing. It's really good at adapting to a routine.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Both, definitely. Cardio is obviously a burn, but weight lifting increases lean muscle mass, which increases metabolism. Both help you burn in the end.

    I usually do both everyday. about 30-45 min. of cardio and at lease 30 min of lifting. I read somewhere that if you do cardio and then lift it wil make you leaner, vs. lift then cardio which will add mass. I want to say it was Men's Fitness, but I can't verify it. I'll just throw that out there.

    I've heard the opposite. Lifting will use up your glycogen stores so when you hit the cardio you are burning fat. Plus you aren't wiped out from the cardio and can get in a better lifting session.
  • lkeiter
    lkeiter Posts: 1
    Balance: I focus on Cardio every day and then balance my weight training. I divide the weight training up between Pushes: Bench, overhead press, leg extension, lunges squats etc. and Pulls: curls, triceps, upright rows, etc.

    Sometimes these are referred to as Major and Minors as well. By alternating these, the key muscles being worked get a rest.
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