Why do I sabotage myself like this???

I have about 10 pounds to lose- same 10 I have wanted to lose for years. My workouts are great- I have no problem with them. Eating on the other hand... I will do ok for a while, but for the last few weeks it's like I am seeing just how much crap I can eat. Why am I doing this? It is so frustrating bc I will start to see the scale move down and then I start eating "bad" foods again. What is my deal?


  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    I'm in the same boat.

    Something about the last month for me has included Fried Food, Dairy, and way to much Junk in general.

    Tell ya what, I'm gonna add you as a friend and hold you accountable.

    You do the same for me, okay?


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I read this in someone's signature today and found it to be motivating, maybe a mantra will help with your will power?

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
  • AmandaArnwine
    I do the SAME thing.. Many of us do .. We have to Recognize those "triggers" and distract ourselves because it's not about the food .. it's about wanting to change the way we feel at that moment.. Ask your self if you are about to eat to FUEL your body.. because that is the only reason we need food.. if it's not about FUEL, then it's about a feeling.. so work hard to focus your attention somewhere else.
  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    I do the same thing. We went out to dinner friday night and my meal was not a great one but I have had a hard time getting back on track. I also find that if I deny myself something (chips, chocolate etc) then I will "eat around it" and then end up eating it anyway. So if I want something I have it, I just watch my portion. I will get a small bowl of chips, not sit down with the bag. Have a small piece of chocolate, not a king size snickers. I find that usually works for me.

    Just keep trying, tomorrow is always a new day. Just get back with the program and do your best.
  • Jenksb
    Jenksb Posts: 7
    You know, I have the same problem. I think its the good old "you want what you can't have". Every time I diet, i have "bad" days that I am out of control. It makes me feel awful afterwords and I beat myself up over it. I just forgive myself the next day and try not to let it happen again. Good luck.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    I so feel your pain!! it is very frustrating. we all have our emotional triggers. Stay focused and follow above advice about "fueling" your body. another trick I try to do is the gum/brush teeth trick. when I feel a serious case of munchies coming on, I try to get a piece of gum and chew it for 5 minutes and really think about it before I just give in. sometimes it works, others it doesn't . but, have to stay focused and realized that I use to eat junk 24/7. So I have come along way and I am sure you have too!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    This is how I use to be! After years of yo-yo dieting I finally figured out the secret to weight loss success.

    Don't diet! Change your lifestyle!

    Basically, you need to make eating healthy a habit and working out a habit... BUT DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF!
    Have a piece of candy everyday! Have a bowl of ice cream! Just do it all in moderation.

    If you put yourself on a strict diet you are setting yourself up for failure. Enjoy the treats in moderation and do not feel guilty about it! ENJOY IT!

    I hope this helps! Best of luck and keep pushing forward! If a can do it anyone can!
  • trish1960
    trish1960 Posts: 39
    With me - it's like I miss the bad foods and they taste so good. It's like a shopping trip when I'm sad. I see the bad foods and I think to myself, "I deserve to eat this", "I've been so good". So it's a reward or pampering. It makes you happy to taste those forbidden foods - like french fries from McDonald's but the end result is not good. You gain weight that you've worked really hard to lose and you feel guilty for not being strong enough to say no. It's a vicious cycle. I was in the grocery store the other day and I saw some fried catfish in the deli. I stood there and stared/drooled at it for about 5 minutes. But I did finally walk away without it.