Is anyone losing weight without exercising?

SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I am just curious about that approach. Anyone who is losing weight without exercising - intentionally, that is - because they cannot or do not want to exercise, I would love to hear how it is working. How many calories are you eating? How fast is it coming off? Do you feel flabby, or that loose skin is more obvious? Are you ever planning on adding exercise?


  • MyFatPublicSecrets
    MyFatPublicSecrets Posts: 85 Member
    I lost my first 50 with basically no exercise. I started at 307 lbs and exercise was really hard on my body so I just didn't do it at first.

    After 50 lbs I got scared that I would stop loosing, and also wanted to make sure I was changing my entire health and not just dropping pounds... so I started the 30 day shred. I'm just over half way done with that and still loosing. Right now I'm loosing 2lbs/ week and before I was loosing 4/week. Not sure what to think since the exercise seemed to slow down my progress- lol- but Im sure that can't actually be true.

    Anyway, to answer the rest of your question I started out at 1500 calories and slowly went down to 1200. Now that I'm exercising im doing a NET of 1200.

    I'm sure that the only reason I was able to loose without exercise was because I was so much over weight. .... dropping pounds is supposedly just a matter of in vs. out..... so I guess that could technically be any combination of less food and more energy used (except that whole starvation mode dilemma - which I'm not the person to ask for advice on that). ha!

    Good luck!
  • pinme13
    pinme13 Posts: 52 Member
    I am losing weight without exercising. I have lost about 1.5 per week so far. I have cut my calories down to about 1100 on the days I do not work and about 1200 on the days I work. I intend to start exercising when I reach a plateue. I tried a different approach a year ago and worked out 5 days a week and in an entire year only lost 10lbs and went down one pant size. So this time I intend to focus on my diet first then when I have lost all the weight I want to lose I will use the exercise to maintain that weight and to tighten up any flabby areas.
    I love exercise but when you add it then you have to reevaluate calorie intake and quit focusing on the scale and start looking for progress in inches and I know for myself that my motivation comes from watching the scale move. Also they say diet is 80% so I want to get that down first.
    What are you doing?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    When I was in college I gained 24+ lbs. I lost 13 with pretty much no extra exercise.

    After that I was stuck.

    I'm still stuck at that same weight. Without exercise from this point, I can't lose a lb.
  • I lost my first 50 lbs doing weight watchers and not exercising but now I do both because I like the way it feels.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I actually lost my first 15lbs with no exercise. I have severe asthma and had an attack that kept me struggling to breath for a month so I wasn't allowed to exercise. I was still eating 1200 calories a day and was loosing at least 3lbs a week although I'm sure a lot of it was water.

    I am now on my 3rd week of the 30 day Shred exercising at least once a day and I seem to be loosing less weight then I was when I was exercising not sure why this is happening.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    To the poster who asked what I am doing...

    I am exercising - have been since day one. Turbofire, and lots of it - 6 days per week. It is exhausting, though, and after over 2 months of this, I am feeling burned out, but still have 60 lbs to go. So, although I WANT to reduce exercising, I am afraid to stall my weight loss. I do love to exercise - I feel like it is a way of celebrating with my new body - plus, it has shaved off so much cellulite from my legs after 24 lbs lost, its amazing. But, my knees hurt, my housework has been behind since I started working out because it takes so much time and energy when you consider getting ready, cooling down, showering, feeling exhausted after... so, I am just looking around for alternatives to exercising 6 days a week. I also have a lot of improving I can do on the diet end because I think I have relied on exercise almost too much.

    It is hard on your joints when you are overweight.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I can do very little exercise due to asthma (multiple triggers including exercise) and moderately severe emphysema. Walking up the stairs leaves me breathless and wheezing for a fair while so a little walking (5 minutes is about it!) on even ground and resistance bands has pretty much been it. I attended pulmonary rehab and got on ok with the exercise bike so bought an elliptical to push myself but I can only manage 10 minutes on that (using my sprays before and after) So yes it can be done but it means most of your weight loss will have to come from cutting calories consumed rather than burning them
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    Yea I have lost about 18 pounds with very little exercise. I do still feel flabby though, so I am now starting to hit the gym. I want to tone up since Im getting close to my "goal weight" (I dont really have one but I guess what would be normal for my size).

    I think that eating is for sure a big part of weight loss, but exercise helps builed muscle which helps metabolism. It is better to exercise with eating right, but if you cant always exercise you can still lose the weight.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I don't rec it but possible
    I lost my entire 27 pounds here eating 1490 cals and not exc....might be a lame excuse but I had 2 toddlers at the time and just couldn't (and I guess frankly didn't) want to find the time
    After I lost the weight I started exc..I think you will look so much better and feel better if u add some work-outs to your plan
  • enoch40
    enoch40 Posts: 9
    i have lost some without exercising not much though!
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    I dont exercise anymore(not in the last year or so) and have lost
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm not exercising right now, because I have asthma and get winded/wheezy/totally out of breath easily. I know once I have some weight off I will be able to do more, but being heavy makes it hard for me to breathe while exercising. I don't sit around all day, I work in a farmers market, so I'm moving around all day restocking, walking around. When I'm home if I am not cleaning, I am taking care of my family, cooking dinner, doing wash etc. I hope to lose at least 20 to 25 lbs then would like to start some moderate walking around my community. To many inclines for me to handle to good right yet.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Maybe switch up your exercises to give your knees a break from doing the same motions over and over? Instead of a video, try taking walks outside, or investing in a new fitness DVD (there are even some on Netflix and I think Hulu you can do). Exercising isn't just for weight loss - it's for good health and your body in general!
    As for it taking up time...I'm a college student that works part-time in the school and usually takes a full class load. I know it's not exactly similar but I try to make time for exercise. It might be bad if you leave the house to shambles, but you can give it a rest a couple of days a week! You deserve you time :)
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