
Hi all, I'm new to this site. I don't have much weight to lose, but they say that last half stone is the killer! I'm hoping this will be a useful way to stay on track!



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Xandria, is that your first name? nice to meet you :)
    Being used to American measurements, I don't recall how much a half stone is, but if it's like the last "insert number here" pounds...I understand completely :)

    This site WILL help you immensely. I have found that support and encouragement from others who have been where you are is SO important in our success.

    If you need anything, please ask. The tools on this site are amazing, but the MEMBERS are AWESOME.

    MC :)
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    this is the best way ive found,

    add away because all the people are here for the same thing.....

    good luck with it.....
  • NoahGayDaniels
    Welcome to the site and good luck!