when did you realize you were overweight.



  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    Clothes sizes kept going up and how depressing it was getting! 4 years ago I dropped to 150, a horrible time in my life caused me to drop 75lbs in just 3months. As soon as I started gaining it back and got to size 16, I quit buying jeans. To this day I will not buy jeans and my size 9 jeans sit on my dresser as a reminder of how small I can be...and be healthy!
  • I realized I was overweight when I gained about fifteen pounds in about two months, I got out of the navy in Jul of 2010 and I weighed 200 pounds well by September I weighed 215 and I was like woah I need to stop now and my bro was like check out this site and here I am 6 months later down 34 pounds love this site
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I got a clue on the playground in kindergarten when other kids made fun of me, calling me "fatty."
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    When I began looking like i was pregnant and my sons are 19 and 16!!!! I was like "Oh Hellllll No!!!"
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    If you look at my profile pics....it was the pic from Disney that did it. O M G that is all I'll say. that was 306, today I am at 228.2 and not stoppin anytime soon.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i was eleven years old. i went for a walk outside with my mom (before her knee was completely worthless), and i saw a pretty rock on the path ahead of us, so i ran to go pick it up. she noticed the stretch marks on the backs of my calves. vertical ones from weight gain. i knew i was fat, but people told me not to worry about it cuz i would get skinny again when i got taller. but i didn't.

    twelve years later, i still have never worn another pair of shorts. i peaked at 253, and finally realized i wasn't gonna beat this thing without a LOT of hard work. so, here we go.. . .
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I have always been overweight.it hit hard though when i worked at Disneyland for six months and could never fully enjoy the park because of my weight
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I always knew I was overweight. I was plump from the day I was born through high school and most of college. But I was never obese until a few years ago. I lived in denial for a while, but when I realized that I actively avoided mirrors and photos and being seen in public anytime I went "home" to visit my family, I finally understood what I was doing to myself. It was no longer something that nagged at me a little bit; it had become something that changed the way I lived. And I decided I had had enough.

    It also helped light a fire under me that my dad's family has a serious history of early heart disease (both of his parents were dead by the age of 60), and three of my four grandparents have/had diabetes. So it was obvious to me that I had to make a change.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I've always known I was overweight....even when I was only 20 lbs or so, I knew I was chubby. It didn't HIT me until after my Dad passed away and I went through basically a horrible year of eating, crying and sleeping and eating some more. When I finally stepped on the scale, I was 368 lbs. I really can't even describe to you what it's like to be in that sort of emotional trauma and haze and see that number - no lie, I gained nearly 100 lbs in that year. I was so filled with self loathing and disgust. And all I could think is if my Dad saw me right now, he'd probably cry because he was so worried and upset. Then a series of other realizations came around....like I realized I was too fat for a regular seat at the theater that didn't have moving arm rests and I couldn't fit into a booth at a restaurant, and that even Lane Bryant didn't have clothes in the stores in my size...etc. It took me a year or so of losing 10 lbs here and there and gaining half it back to truly commit, which is what I did in October 10'. Now here I am, after changing it all...90 lbs down and still truckin' along!! :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I always thought that I was fat... ALWAYS! I didn't realize that I needed to lose weight until I looked back at my photos and saw that I never was fat until after i had my kids...
  • vcalixto
    vcalixto Posts: 2 Member
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I noticed in second grade (when I was around 7) when I saw pictures from 1st grade and noticed I was like twice the size of everyone else. I've been really insecure about it since then... but I never thought I could do something about it until high school (when I was about 16). I never actually started to do something until I was in my senior year of college (21 years old).
  • I passed a mirror in the mall....and I thought -- gosh she is big....and I didn't even realize it was me for a split second.

    I was so overwhelmed with carinig for my premature twins, I had zero time to think about myself.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I've *thought* I was overweight since I was 8 years old, I have a larger frame (Swedish background) and was teased a lot. I actually didn't become overweight until I was about 14/15 and then it really piled on. I've done intense diet/exercise here and there but I have never reached a goal. I realized that I had never made one before...

    I just got rejected from grad school and want to be healthy. Losing the weight and getting on the track I was meant to be on is now my goal and I feel really proud of the decision. I am ready to see this until the end and beyond :)
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    When even my panties were too small... :embarassed:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    When I saw a side profile photo of myself and had more than one chin. I'd never been "fat" in my life and just thought I was heavier than usual. I realized I had health problems related to my diet.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You post this question alot.

    Here's my answer: when i was in second grade and I weighed 110 lbs!!!!

    When did I understand how to lose the weight and be successful @ keepin it off?? when I was 18 goin on 19!!! Wow, I am a total loser for waitin that long!! The food wasn't worth it! Now, I can't live without exercise!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I've been heavy my entire life. As a child, I was usually happy, but felt ashamed when I would eat. I had an older sister who had the effect of me feeling guilty about eating anything. I remember as a child eating ice cream in the garage just so she wouldn't see me and then hiding the bowl. (I am not the only person she did that to, btw) I love her very much but she did a lot of damage without realizing it. In high school I was still overweight, but didn't start to pack on serious pounds until college. I was around 230, 250 or so. When I got pregnant with my first child, I was 250, and 9 months later was 300. After that, I gained steadily. My then husband always made me feel attractive so I didn't think about my weight very much. One day I weighed myself when my son was about 4 and I was up to about 335 (close to what I am now) and couldn't believe it. Then I started catching glimpses of profiles of me in the mirror and being shocked at how big I had gotten.

    I became divorced in late 2006, and still gained weight.

    But it wasn't until I had almost reached 400 pounds that I finally changed. There is always that "epiphany" where it is a pivotal moment in your life. Mine was my daughter. She is 7 years old now and she has type 2 diabetes. She has always gained weight very quickly. She is a beautiful little girl, but her body would put on weight so fast no matter what, it seemed. She had severe sleep apnea for all her life and last summer the doctors removed her tonsils and adenoids. Lo and behold, sleep apnea cured for her!!! She now sleeps wonderfully! BUT--the doctors told me her insulin was way too high and we had to make changes. I just didn't know what to do or how to do it. Then I realized that I couldn't possibly help my daughter if I couldn't help myself. So that's when everything changed. Me and my 4 children changed our lifestyle and we have never been happier. We still have indulgences every once in a while, but not like we used to.

    NOW THIS IS AWESOME! About my daughter. Here is how her progress is: From Fall of 2009 to Spring of 2010, she gained 20 pounds. Since being on meds and eating healthy and more activity---From Fall of 2010 to Spring of 2011, she gained NOTHING!!!!! She is taller though, so her bmi has decreased! I am so proud of her! The doctor doesn't want her on weight loss until she is much older, she is still young and developing, he just doesn't want her gaining any more. She also still needs the meds but the doctor thinks that eventually she will not need them as long as we keep doing what we've been doing. And WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for asking this question, it's been...therapeutic. I am still considered "morbidly" obese, and I am excited about someday getting into the "overweight" category. :laugh:

    I was 397.2 pounds when I started my healthy journey back in August. Sixty pounds later, it's been a struggle, but it's all worth it. :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :smile: :bigsmile:
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    When someone on the tube got up and offered me their seat cuz they thought I was pregnant...that really sucked...
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    When I graduated from buying men's jeans because they were looser to elastic waistband. When I decided to finally go buy capris for the summer. 26's laughed @ me, 28's said maybe with one less piece of cake, and the 30's were snug but I bought them anyway! Needless to say I cried the whole way home from fashion bug that day.
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