UKers - BBQ ideas?

So its nearly bbq weather and im on the hunt for low cal but tasty mains & sides!! Anyone got any suggestions bar the veggie kebabs or grilled chicken?


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Pretty much anything you can grill you can barbecue!

    Pork loin steaks are very low in fat. Marinate them jerk seasoning mixed with lime juice.

    Tuna steaks or whole sardines with Mediterranean herbs and lemon juice.

    Halloumi cheese.

    I am sooo hungry now :P
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I'm no help but damn i want a bbq now haha
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    Prawns on skewers are nice on BBQ - add some chilli to them and they are lush :)
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Has anyone ever tried BBQ'd corn on the cob?

    Never tried it myself - bit scared! lol
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Any fresh, lean mean for mains is great, high in protein and essential B vitamins and nutrients such as Iron's the traditional burgers and sausages (ie anything processed!) that you need to steer clear of offer some juicy grilled steaks, absoloutely gorgeous done on the BBQ, pork chops, lamb chops (though I guess they have a tendancy to be greasy). See if you can get your hands on something interesting like Ostrich steaks...I hear that they're very much like a red meat but very lean.

    As for sides, how about some good old corn on the cob, but slightly grilled? Ooh, and I tell you what is absoloutely gorgeous, my aunt used to get yellow peppers, slice them up and coat them in dry tandoori spice (though I suppose any fresh curry type powder could work)...can be eaten raw or thrown on the BBQ for a while :)
  • princess_f
    princess_f Posts: 148
    some excellent ideas! Thank you, im making notes :)
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    I also love bbq bananas! Wrap them in tin foil and grill away!

    Any sort of meat is great maybe marinade it a bit before hand. Also whole fish tastes great on the bbq just drizzle some lemon or lime on them mmmmmm!!!

    As for sides you can microwave jacket spuds then tinfoil and grill for the smokey taste (can be done with wedges too!) Bbq courgettes peppers and tomatoes make great sides too. Can also grill mushrooms which are good!

    Probably loads more too but my brain is frazzled!!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    I always do the usual meats marinaded in whatever is to hand. I make my own burgers - far nicer than shop bought. And I make lovely chicken kebabs with marinaded chicken (I like the Schwartz chargrilled chicken dry spice), peppers, mushrooms and red onion thread onto bamboo skewers (soak the skerwers first or they burn). Lovely chopped salad - red onion, cucumber, sweetcorn and cherry toms. Tadziki (spelt wrong) dressing - yogurt, cucumber m mint, and a little coriander. Yummy !!
  • princess_f
    princess_f Posts: 148
    sounds nice! i make my own burgers but not sure if they would crumbled on the bbq!!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I have a tendency to overdo the carbs so I like stuff that doesn't require a bap - if you can get into Costco they do huge packs of relatively lean pork ribs - marinate them in hoisin and soy sauce and sprinkle with a bit of 5 spice powder! Yum!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Here are a couple sauces that make any BBQ taste good. The Raspberry Jalapenos is best on Pork and Chicken, either as a dipping sauce or brushed on as you BBQ. The Garlic Sauce is best as a dipping sauce for Lamb and Beef.

    Raspberry Jalapeno Sauce
    • 1 Jar Raspberry Jam
    • 1 Bottle any brand BBQ Sauce
    • 1 Small Jar Beaver's Hot Jalapeno Mustard
    • 1 can Ortega Chopped Jalapenos (+ or - depending on your taste)
    • Fresh Chopped Jalapenos (You know your own Heat level)
    • 1/8 cup Teriyaki Sauce
    • Tablespoon Sesame Oil
    • Toasted Sesame seeds (a little goes a long way)
    I just mix, place in a pan and simmer together.

    Garlic Sauce Recipe

    Blend the following ingredients:

    • 20 to 25 cloves of garlic
    • 2 cups Canola Oil
    • 1/2 cup Sesame Seed Oil
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 1/2 cup Soy Sauce
    • 1/2 cup Orange Juice
    • Rosemary to taste
    • Pepper to taste