
southa77 Posts: 12
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Ok I am a little frustrated...I am 5`3 231 pounds and I am trying to stay under the 1700 calories a day that my dr said I should eat for healthy weight loss, only problem is that I am not losing much staying at or even under that amount and I am working out five days a week changing my routine back and forth. Do I eat back the exercise calories or just stick to the 1700?


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    if you lose it slowly it more likely to stay off!
  • Nbean24
    Nbean24 Posts: 14
    I don't eat back the exercise calories - the general theory is you need to burn more calories than you're taking in. That being said - if you don't eat enough calories than that can hurt your weight loss too. How many less calories are you eating when you stay under 1700? Don't give up! It took me the better part of a year to lose 25 pounds last year - now I'm working on losing the last 20.
  • TurboChels
    TurboChels Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with Morgan ... loose it slowly ! Another tip-are you eating GOOD 1700 calories ? I find my workouts 10 times more effective and FUN if i eat healthy good food versus a quick 700 calories at a drive in. Let me know if you need anymore help ! Best of luck !
  • southa77
    southa77 Posts: 12
    I am staying away from "junk" and I have also given up pop. watching what I eat and choosing healthy options instead of quick and easy. I try to stay about 100 calories under my 1700.
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