Looking for mutual motivation

lilttriana Posts: 26
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I have been on the site for a little while but haven't ventured out to make many friends. I am in my third week of Insanity and also doing Hip Hop Abs. If you too are looking for some extra motivation and someone to share successes with, Please feel free to add me.




  • I returned about that time ... I am also looking for motivation ... I have one, but the more the merrier and more encouraged I will be ...
    Cheryl and ...
  • mjawesome
    mjawesome Posts: 57 Member
    Me too! this is my third week and I was just thinking about posting something similar. I really like this site. It's one of the most 'put together' and complete sites for everything I need :)
  • Hello There!

    I just started MFP last week! I've done Insanity before and LOVED it and had great success with it. I was burnt out with it but loved it.
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