Here I go - (again) !

Well I'm off again, for some life-style changes. I hope this new (for me) on-line process will work better than other options I've tried. I am a nurse and work shift work, so it is really hard to find a 'routine' that I can stick to. It is also hard to find an exercise 'buddy', who can help me along. So may be this might work for me.:happy:


  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    You get out what you put in, this can be a really useful tool, the shift work can be rough going on your body for sure!

    Everyone's here to help you along the way x
  • JBeaner
    JBeaner Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there. I hope that I can utilize this on-line community as well. I work in a computer support position, and am at my desk most of the day. I do not get much exercise during the day, and by the time I get home, I usually can "talk" myself out of doing any fitness routine thinking tomorrow will be a better day to do them. :yawn:

    However, I have drawn a line in the sand, and I am going to take control over my health and weight. I know that creating healthy habits goes hand in hand with better health and weight. It is just that I can talk myself out of being motivated. I want to find people to nudge me along on my journey and enjoy my little successes.

    You can do this! We all can.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome & best of luck to you!
    Welcome! This site is great for support, making you aware of your calorie intake and keeping you on track! Just remember if you fall off the wagon: you have only failed when you quit getting back on it!!! Start small! I started walking 10min a day after I had my daughter and I still struggle but I am getting better at working some type of exercise in more often than not.
    It was difficult for me to grasp that any movement is better than none. I felt if I couldn't do "A" 4x's a week then I wasn't doing anything and I'd get hung up on that and sabotage myself. Try to think of each day as an opportunity to move a little more. A short walk, taking the stairs, squats in your living room, crunches, even if its 5min nothing is too small when you are starting out!
    Life is not the Biggest Loser, real people do not have 8hrs a day to exercise. However watching shows like the Biggest Loser and Heavy can help you stay focused and on track. Talk yourself into starting, wow its nice out I will go for a stroll no pressure, then you will find yourself unconsciously going a little faster and feeling great!
    Try to eat foods high in fiber and low in fat, OLE wraps are great they make a 74 calorie wrap with 8 or 12g of fiber in it., Eat tons of veggies if you think you don't like them try them grilled! Or in an iron skillet. Cook healthy food in advance and take it with you. eat snacks, healthy snacks: carrot sticks, apples, pretzel sticks, celery, lowfat cheese sticks, lowfat cottage cheese or yogurt, rice cakes, etc.
    Most of all....DON'T GIVE UP! and DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP!

    Good Luck and God Bless! =]