Bored at work..soo I start eating..



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Bored at work?

    Drop and give me 50!


    If you work in a place where you can:

    Do some low impact workouts

    Run in place, lunges, sit-ups, planks, isometrics, etc...

    Don't be bored be engaged...
  • dkinman
    dkinman Posts: 10
    I used to do the same thing so I started bringing carrots and celery ( things I do not like).
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Me too. And today it was pretzel M&Ms. grrrrr
  • mwray06
    mwray06 Posts: 10 Member
    One of you brought up another topic that I want to address when working in the office, there are always birthdays, lunecheons, free breakfasts, and then your co-workers...For instance, this past week..

    FREE McDonalds Breakfast in my department
    Bagel Wednesdays..
    Complementary Pizza On Friday
    Co-Workers Birthday

    How do I steer clear from all of these surrounding me!!??
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    It's hard to stay clear of those things, but for me I have to bring something otherwise I don't want to be known as that person who never brings anything, but still eats.

    So as long as I don't bring anything I don't join in on the food festivities :)

    I find because I bring so many snacks with me it's a lot easier to whip out the carrots than to get up from my desk and go search for a plate.

    I'm seriously craving some Mexican right now though :( It's eating at me inside!!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    One of you brought up another topic that I want to address when working in the office, there are always birthdays, lunecheons, free breakfasts, and then your co-workers...For instance, this past week..

    FREE McDonalds Breakfast in my department
    Bagel Wednesdays..
    Complementary Pizza On Friday
    Co-Workers Birthday

    How do I steer clear from all of these surrounding me!!??

    Samesies! Today someone brought whopper robins eggs. I ate a few... glad I'm working out tonight! Yesterday there was pizza, cookies and chips! I had none!!!!

    By the way... Mcdonalds has a really tasty oatmeal - if you get it without the brown sugar it's a pretty decent choice around 260 calories of yum.

    It's so hard to resist all of the goodies at work but you CAN do it! One rule I try to fallow is to only eat it if it's a home-made baked good. Those are really the only ones worth the calories! Say no to the company packaged sugary foods.

    Is there anyone else at work that hates having to resist something every time they turn around? Make a friend! It helps to keep an eye on each other. If the other doesn't have any you wouldn't want to cave.

    I agree with the others: Mints, tictacs, or gum help. It also helps to keep asking yourself "am I hungry"?

    Do your best- it's progress not perfection!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm a boredom eater, too. I'm eating low carb right now, which has actually helped cure that for me, at least for the moment.

    Here's what I used to do to help myself out: I'd bring snacks of little foods that I'd measure into single serving baggies: low sugar breakfast cereals (Kix, Cheerios, Chex, etc.), pretzels, raisins, grapes, or berries. When I "needed" to munch, I allow myself one bag and I had to eat those things one at a time, so it took more time to eat. Usually by the time I was done, the craving was over.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    One of you brought up another topic that I want to address when working in the office, there are always birthdays, lunecheons, free breakfasts, and then your co-workers...For instance, this past week..

    FREE McDonalds Breakfast in my department
    Bagel Wednesdays..
    Complementary Pizza On Friday
    Co-Workers Birthday

    How do I steer clear from all of these surrounding me!!??

    holy bought you talk to HR about replacing this crap food and creating a biggest loser challenge instead? I cant believe a corporate office would encourage junk. Be a role model and ask them to consider changing their policies on the McDonalds and pizza and see if they'd consider having a WW consultant come in or something.