please help... I am craving junk food today...

lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
OK, So I started on my weight loss journey about a week ago and I think I am doing good but, Today I am craving sweets and everything in sight. Seriously I am not just craving one thing! its like my body and mind is telling me "go grab some fast food" or "go get a piece of cake, cookies, candy" I am not crazy... but this is really how I am feeling today... this diet is so much needed I have 150lb to lose and I don't want to give up... I want to for once be healthy and fit.. PLEASE SEND ME SOME ADVICE! ADD ME IF YOU CAN, I am new to MFP and I don't really know much about diet nor can not afford personal trainer or a fitness expert! Any advice on cravings or healthy meals and exercise is really needed..... Also I want to lose weight and not become saggy in the tummy or arms ... any workout tips or advice!


  • Tara151
    Tara151 Posts: 1 Member
    I was once told a craving only last 7-20 minutes. Also try drinking lots of water. It can help curb cravings. When I'm craving something sweet I chew fruit flavored gum. Good luck and stay strong.
  • plantbasedbreezy
    plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
    Don't think of this as a diet! This has to be a lifestyle change for it to work. When in doubt, tell yourself to reach for something healthy. Get an apple with some peanut butter. Have raisins, bananas, strawberries.. anything like that for sweets.
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I second the gum idea, i always have sugar free gum in my bag just in case im craving something sweet..... or have like sugar free squash or put them in cubes in freezer and suck on them?
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Chromium has helped me curb my sugar cravings...practically overnight. It's a mineral supplement. You can buy it at any health food / drugstore. It's not expensive. Maybe $6. Seriously it's helped me to deal with a serious addiction to sweet and carbs!

    I tried curbing with fruit, but found my sugar intake was still WAY too high b/c fruit has soooo much sugar in it...even if it natural, I was still going over for the day with one fuji apple (15g of sugar) and my normal foods. Of course, you know juice is LOADED with sugar, so that had to go. Ugh.

    But the Chromium has kept me going. Someone told me about it on here. I Googled it and read lots of articles and decided to try it out.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Here is the one thing I always remember when my body's cravings are too loud to ignore: That junk food may taste good for a moment, but it's not worth ruining my entire day over. The couple of seconds of chewing, tasting and swallowing are not worth the hours of self-recrimination I'm going to feel afterward as well as the damage it'll do to all of my hard work and sacrifice. I am worth the effort of getting into shape and no silly little craving for sweets is going to take that away from me!

    Good luck!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Drink the water it will help keep you full. Also how about a spoonful of peanut butter, it may help or a handful of almonds. Also a protein bar or shake with and apple is a good snack. Not crazy calorie wise but maybe enough to hold you off until that next meal.
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    I've been a member for about 3 weeks now. The cravings were quite intense at first. And while I still crave food and junk food and treats, I must say it's slowly getting better.....very slowly though. I'm not trying to be a downer about this, and I'm sure not everyone goes through the same thing. This is me. And I'm a bit relieved to feel the craving situation get better and understand it will take me awhile to learn to eat this new way. After all I didn't get like this in just a month so I'm not expecting such a quick turn around in the way I eat and the way I crave food. But it will begin to get a little better as time goes by. I can't wait till I can eat something and be quite satisfied till the next meal time comes around.
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