Need some help here! I have been craving bad food today!

OK, So I started on my weight loss journey about a week ago and I think I am doing good but, Today I am craving sweets and everything in sight. Seriously I am not just craving one thing! its like my body and mind is telling me "go grab some fast food" or "go get a piece of cake, cookies, candy" I am not crazy... but this is really how I am feeling today... this diet is so much needed I have 150lb to lose and I don't want to give up... I want to for once be healthy and fit.. PLEASE SEND ME SOME ADVICE! ADD ME IF YOU CAN, I am new to MFP and I don't really know much about diet nor can not afford personal trainer or a fitness expert! Any advice on cravings or healthy meals and exercise is really needed..... Also I want to lose weight and not become saggy in the tummy or arms ... any workout tips or advice!


  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    you can have a cookie, just eat 1 and stop and think to yourself is eating anymore of these really worth the time it takes to burn them off through exercise. That's what I do... I think to myself if this snickers bar worth the hour it takes to burn it back off and usually that stops me from over-indulging! You can do it, you :bigsmile: just have to believe that you can.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    When I want something sweet I go for my fav, the 100 calorie snacks. the chocolate pretzels are my fav's. if you want something more nutritious you can have some frozen grapes, or a piece of fruit, that should help with the sweet tooth. It does get easier but your body has to get used to not having them before it get's easier. Hang in there boo.
  • kimphillips36
    I started almost a year ago on my weight loss journey. I've lost 58 lbs and it wasn't easy, but it takes hard work and discipline! But last April 2010, I was at a point in my life where I knew it was time to make a permanant change to my eating habits and not to make excuses anymore as to why I was overweight. Don't think of this as a DIET, but a LIFESTYLE change! You have to continue this journey the rest of your life, or you will gain the weight back and you'll feel like a failure. Don't look at this in a negative way, but as a positive change for YOU!! So....I look at everything I eat as something I can eat for the rest of my life...the bread I buy, the cereal I eat, the snacks/fruit I eat, etc. I'm not drinking any "shakes" or taking any "magic pills" to suppress my appetite....I'm only allowing my body to "TELL" me when I'm hungry and that's when I eat or reach for a snack. I used to be an "Emotional Eater" ....eating when I got upset or stressed about something, no matter what time of day it was and it didn't matter if I was hungry or not. You have to turn to something different when your emotions or stress are getting to you....that's where exercise has come in for me! Of couse, to get fit and help with my weight loss goals, but exercise is also a way for me to release that stress or heavy emotions I may be carrying.

    I think that in order to avoid "sweet cravings" is to find out what your "trigger" foods are......mine is drinking diet soda/coke and salty foods. When I have either one of these, I want something sweet! Since I KNOW this, I'm prepared mentally! I only have a diet soda about every other week now...I stick to water or Iced Tea (sweetened w/Sun Crystals). I don't avoid eating salty foods all of the time, but I don't have chips every day either because it's my "trigger" food. Salty foods is usually a BIG trigger for a lot of people....if you don't understand or realize's a BATTLE when trying to lose weight.

    There's nothing wrong with allowing yourself a sweet treat, but only if you have the extra calories in your daily allowance....BUT, you need to find better alternatives. I avoid the 100 calorie packs because they don't fill me up and then I just want more. If I'm just hungry....I get a banana or an apple (with 1 TBSP of Peanut Butter or 1 TBSP of Fat Free Caramel to dip it in)....or other fruit and veggis which have FIBER....fiber is what fills you up and keeps you satisfied! I love Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches or the Healthy Choice Chocolate Bars (for my ice cream fix!) I also love Strawberry Shortcake...I buy it fresh from the Safeway bakery (theirs is lower in carbs) and cut my own fresh strawberries and sweeten them lightly with Sun it off with Light Whipped's delicious!! Also, two of my favorite websites for low-fat recipes (for everything) is and Hope this helps you...wishing you the best of luck in your weight loss journey!! Don't give up! Kim