Birth Control Question for the ladies



  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Yep, a deffinate possibility. Check your documentation with the pills.
  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    YES! I have been gaining weight gradually since I went on birth control 5 years ago..I wish I could get off the pill but my periods are insane without it and I have endo so I need it to regulate the endo growing..I would wait another month or two and if it continues talk to your doc.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    it can be for some women, read the insert it lists weight gain as a possible side effect, but I think only up to about 10 lbs. change pills.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    And out comes the pharmacist in me!

    It could be the birth control. You switched to a birth control with higher doses of both estrogen and progesterone. Both can make you gain weight by increasing your appetite, but the progesterone (norgestimate in the Ortho Tri-Cyclen and levonorgestrel in the Alesse) can actually distribute fat on your body. Not saying that you can't lose weight while on hormonal birth control. I've done it. Lots of people have. I'm just saying that the new higher dose birth control could definitely contribute to the scale not moving, especially as your body adjusts to new levels of hormones.

  • mixmastermel_b
    mixmastermel_b Posts: 40 Member
    how old are you? I ask this only because I have been on the same BC for nearly 13 years and when I hit 32, I hit a wall when it came to losing weight. I used to be able to will it off now I actually have to work at it. LOL.

    So, yes, it maybe the pill is making you gain, but also look at what foods you are eating, why you are eating, and your age.

    same boat here! damn 30's
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