Why am I gaining weight??!!!!!

:noway: Hi! I am having a little bit of a problem with weight gain and I could REALLY use some help!!!
I am 25 years old, 5’ 2” and I weigh 140 pounds so yes, I am a little fluffy. I completely understand how I became over weight because I have done myself no favors. I led a very sedentary lifestyle. I would sit at a desk for 8 hours and then come home and sit in front of the TV for the rest of the night and not to mention I ate like CRAP. So just recently I decided to change some things, turn my life around, and lose some weight!

Now I…..

walk my dogs for 30 min first thing in the morning (about 3 miles per hour) every single day

ride my bike 7 miles to work and 7 miles home (14 miles total up and down hills) every day except for Tuesdays

on Tuesdays I do one hour of high impact kickbox cardio

I have also drastically improved my diet. I eat about ½ to ¼ of the portion sizes that I used to eat and I eat less sugars and bad carbs than I used to. I have also decreased my calorie intake. I went from eating God only knows how many calories to eating 1,200 (calories remaining AFTER exercise). Due to the high amount of exercise I do have to struggle to get enough calories while still eating healthy. I know that it is bad to eat too few calories because then your body thinks that you are starving and it starts to store everything. I have fallen short a couple of times but only by a couple hundred calories at the most and it is definitely not on purpose.

I never expected for the weight to just melt off of me but I did expect to see a fair amount of weight loss (at least a pound or 2) or at least my clothes to fit looser but nope. Not only have I not lost any weight but I GAINED 5 pounds in a week!!!!!!!! My face is rounder and fuller and my pants are just as tight if not tighter! What happened??!! I am on my second week of the program and I did not gain any weight this week but I have not lost anything either. I know what most all of you are going to say…”you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.” Really? Is that even possible? Is it even possible to gain 5 pound of muscle in one week from strictly cardio? Can you even gain 5 pounds of muscle in your legs alone? Can there be ANYTHING ELSE causing the weight gain and weight loss resistance? Water retention or something? I am desperate! It is hard to stay on track when you are not making any progress and I just don’t know what to do and I am nervous that something might be wrong with me. I expect to gain muscle mass and weight but I have plenty of fat to lose too so I should still be able to lose weight. Advice on ways to improve my weight loss is appreciated but my main question is IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME? PLEASE HELP!!!


  • Jentorres8814
    Jentorres8814 Posts: 121 Member
    I hate to be the one to ask this...but do you think you may be pregnant ?
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Open your food diary , so we can see what you are eating
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    No one can help you much as you don't have your diary open. The problem will more than likely be in your diet
  • skinnyjeans13
    It's hard to see without having a look at your diary... could it be something hormonal? TOM or maybe pregnancy? I really suggest opening your diary though!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I am also 5' 2" and 140 pounds. It is harder to lose weight when it's not a huge amount to lose. The heavier you are the more results you tend to see. I takes time for your body to adjust to the new life style. I know you are aware of your body thinking it maybe straving......... since you were eating way more calories even staying on my fitness pal calories your body maybe holding on to fat for now, but will start to burn. I have heard so many experts say that muscle weighing more then fat is just an excuss for the weight. If you were happy with your muscle mass and the look of your body you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. The number on the scale is one way to measure, but clothes fitting better and the look of your body, shows results also. Good luck with your program and stay focus. I feel like the height is also a issue for me. Eat less and work out more because 5 pounds shows more on a shorter person. :smile:
  • MissKeeKee
    MissKeeKee Posts: 13 Member
    Don't eat your exercise calories... as long as you eat at least 1200 calories a day your body won't think it's starving. Why exercise just to eat all those burnt calories back?!?
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    One thing that would help is to really look at what you are eating. Cutting calories and portion sizes does help, but if you aren't eating enough protein or carbs to energize your body it can lead to weight gain. Also, do you eat dairy? Dairy can be a culprit especially yogurts and such that have a lot of sugar added to them. Also, have you have your thyroid looked at? That was a culprit for me, hashimoto's thyroid. The other advice I could give you is to give it about a month or two before you really get nervous about gaining or losing. Your body is adjusting to the new lifestyle and it can take some time for it to really settle and start seeing results. I hope this helps!!
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    A great post to read:


    It's a little long, but it may give you some insight.
  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    There is nothing wrong with you, calm down and relax....It will be ok....First of all you have to look at the big pictue. is it that time of the month for u? if so, then that may be a reason why u are not losing as quickly as u may want. You are not a very big person, so ur weight will not just "fall" off of u. Try to incorporate high intensity exercises into ur routine. like sprinting on the treadmill or at the park. Running uphill or running a track. Things that will get ur heart rate up and stay up. Then u may see the weight come off. Don't eat fewer than 1200 calories and if u work out u need to eat more calories. Not all of ur exercise calories but most of it. Just dont worry the weight will soon come off give it some time.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    NEW workout routines cause temp. weight gain due to water retention of a sort.

    You might be losing weight slowly due to being close to your ideal weight ( for 5'2" your BMI chart puts 140 as only 4 lbs overweight)

    Open up your diary so we can take a look and offer more precise discussions / suggestions. :smile:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Don't eat your exercise calories... as long as you eat at least 1200 calories a day your body won't think it's starving. Why exercise just to eat all those burnt calories back?!?

    This makes me sad :(
  • californiagirl10
    If you are working out alot or at all, and eating right, you may gain muscle which makes you weight more but, look at inches lost and other factors like how clothes are fitting... NOT just the scale!!! =) Good luck on your journey!
  • noelani123
    noelani123 Posts: 23 Member
    I too have struggled with weight loss after making similar (but not as drastic) changes. I wasn't gaining but I wasn't losing either. It is extremely frustrating and there are days when I fight back tears because I am so overwhelmed with doing every thing right and getting no results. I recently stopped dieting (due to getting married and having so many celebrations to attend) and gained weight, so I am back in the saddle again.

    Just before going off my diet, I have found though that my body turns white foods into sugar and then, I think, turns straight into fat. Before when I cut out the bread, pasta rice, potatoes, etc, that is when weight started to deminish. Maybe you could try that. I truly understand your frustration and here to help you through it. Most important thing.....don't give up!!!!! You can beat this. It may take several experimental phases to figure out why you are gaining and what it will take to lose. Good Luck
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    It's not muscle. There are a couple of things that could cause that much weight gain in one week and then no loss the 2nd. 1st if your metabolism had slowed due to dieting/binging cycles, eating a consistent amount can make you gain at first. Once your metabolism has stabilized, you will start to lose.

    2nd maybe you aren't measuring your food correctly.

    3rd maybe you aren't measuring your workout calories burned correctly.

    4th too much cardio can be as bad as too little when it comes to weight loss, make sure you are doing strength training and don't do too much cardio. Your body will hold onto fat so it has something to burn in those long cardio segments.

    5th your body could just be adjusting to the change in pattern.

    6th maybe your BMR is calculated incorrectly. MFP uses an equation, but it isn't an exact science. Things like thyroid disease, diabetes, etc. can make your BMR lower than what is calculated by MFP and you will actually need less calories than what is calculated to lose. This wouldn't be the cause of the gain (unless you were also measuring food/exercise incorrectly), but it can be the cause of very slow/no weight loss on diets that other people lose on.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Wrong your body will stave and you will not lose weight...............Food is fuel, so when you burn fuel you need more...
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    If you are working out alot or at all, and eating right, you may gain muscle which makes you weight more but, look at inches lost and other factors like how clothes are fitting... NOT just the scale!!! =) Good luck on your journey!

    It is next to impossible to gain weight while on a calorie deficit. Especially in two weeks! It takes a calorie EXCESS to gain muscle mass, that's why body builders eat 2500+ calories a day.
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Don't eat your exercise calories... as long as you eat at least 1200 calories a day your body won't think it's starving. Why exercise just to eat all those burnt calories back?!?

    ^ doesn't this run counter to everything that is said on this site?
  • Isa25
    Isa25 Posts: 46
    Don't eat your exercise calories... as long as you eat at least 1200 calories a day your body won't think it's starving. Why exercise just to eat all those burnt calories back?!?

    ^ doesn't this run counter to everything that is said on this site?

    Yes, yes it does.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Here is some info we need.

    What are you eating?
    What exercise program are you doing?

    You may not be eating enough calories or frequency enough. Also, it will be very hard to physically tell the difference between yourself at 135 and 140. Your body can fluctuate 5lbs alone in a day. Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day (hopefully when you first wake up)?