What do you think?

rosieflo Posts: 218
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I am about 345 lbs right now. I am having a struggle working out, but I keep trying. I have only been able to work out for about 10 minutes at a time, just because anything more than that knocks me out of commission the rest of the day. I do try to do 2 10 minute workouts though.
I was just getting bored with walking around my house (it's still snowing here!), so I developed my own circuit to train by. Will you give me your opinions if you think this is good or not?
I do 10 squats, then do 25 knee lifts, 25 resistance band reps, 50 kick s (while reaching with my opposing hand), then 50 side steps, then I do the stairs once, come back down do 25 reps with the band for each of my triceps. Then, I march until my 10 minutes is up.
I'm trying to get upper and lower body in. Eventually, I'll add 2 minutes (maybe the end of next week), and keep working my way up until I can do the circuit 3 times. What do you think?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I think you have found a very creative work out. I especially like the squats.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I think it's a great start. Good for you. Once you start losing a bit of weight and get fitter you can add more time in or more exercises.
  • kbryanmc
    kbryanmc Posts: 19 Member
    You are doing great! You'll see yourself losing weight in no time and increasing your endurance! Keep up the good work! And sorry about the snow!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    That sounds great! You have a good goal, and once you're consistently doing that, you can add more, just like you planned. I have a horrible time just doing my own program at home, so I rely on DVDs. Any of the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds or Walk Slim videos are great. There are short ones for beginners all the way up to 5 miles I think. I like the 4-mile Walk Slim video, because you can do all the circuits or pick the ones you have time for.

    Keep up the motivation, and you'll look and (more importantly) feel better in no time! :)
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