
I just started MFP yesterday after being increasingly unhappy with the new WW program. I am wondering if going a bit over on your carb intake (maybe 10 or so) will affect my total weight loss? I know counting calories is a big part of MFP, but I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts about how to deal with carbs?


  • _LDM_
    _LDM_ Posts: 81
    I avoid them like the plague! :wink:
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I am doing the south beach phase 1, no carbs no sugar for 2 weeks. I always feel like carbs weigh me down, and add lbs to my thighs lol. I would recommend only eating whole wheat, and fruit if your looking for sweets.
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I go over somedays and am still loosing weight. If you exercise you will be given more carbs. Make sure they are good one from whole grains and fruit.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm doing Primal Blueprint ( and keeping carbs 75-100 g/day, which is working for me. You have to customize your food diary settings, if you want something different from what MFP assigns. (MFP has carbs set relatively high).
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I really don't stress too much if I go over a bit (10 or so) on carbs every so often (by that I mean once in a week to 2 week period). But, really, it depends on where your carbs are coming from. Remember that your veggies are going to have carbs....but those are different than your pasta and bread carbs....
    That being said, I don't worry when I am occasionally over because mine are coming from whole grains, veggies, etc. I don't eat any white breads at all, and the occaisional pasta is from my Lean cuisine meal.
    I have noticed though, if I am way under on my carbs, that I have zero energy. The nutritional guide here on MFP has really helped me find what my body needs.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    I went through something very similar, I was primarly focusing on a diet with just calories not really minding carbs or anything like that. My suggestion and this is not for everyone, I stick to under 100 carbs a day most days, you want to try not to go over 150 by any means, also when you do eat those 100 carbs you want to eat things that are not processed, so no white bread, rice, or pasta. Whole grains are great for you and they keep you full longer. If you area pasta fien like me I suggest Dreamfields brand they have it at most grocery stores in the Pasta aisle it takes just like regular pasta but it only has a whopping 5 NET CARBS, a good source for your carbs is vegetable like broccoli and spinach. I have had excellent success by keeping under 100 carbs your blood sugar will regulate so your not going into these crazy insulin spaz's. If you are doing WW this might be hard because most of their meals and such have a lot of carbs unless your not eating the meals that is, of course everyone is different and bodies respond to lot's of different things... but this is just my opinion on what's worked for me :) best of luck!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Options have come to a great place for information, motivation, support, and friendship!

    When I began my weight loss journey almost five years ago, my doctor sent me to a dietician. She told me these three things:
    1. Watch your portion sizes (I did buy a kitchen scale at this point).
    2. Write down EVERYTHING you eat (this is KEY to being successful).
    3. Try to keep your total "carbs" to 15 or under per day (1 "carb" = 15 grams of carbohydrates as you are reading labels).

    Quite honestly, my first thoughts were, "This lady is a quack. This will never work." Well, I did these three things and started walking (about five months into the journey, in the dead of winter, I bought a treadmill).....and kept walking, walking, and more walking.

    Five years later, I've lost and kept off 60 pounds. Initially lost 72, gained 22, and have re-lost 10 of that. I'd like to lose 5 -7 more pounds, and then maintain at that weight. In all honesty at 125, I was probably too thin, and now, anytime the scale is less than 140, I'm a happy girl!

    I was widowed 10 years ago, and while I had always been on the heavy side, I did gain substantially after my husband's death. The trip to the dietician was triggered by the doctor discovering that I had high blood sugar (not diabetes, but working its way that direction). I had also quit taking my cholesterol medication because my legs ached so badly. After the weight loss, both my blood sugars and cholesterol levels are in normal ranges. I look at pictures of myself from 6-10 years ago, and hardly recognize the person in those pictures. And people who haven't seen me since my weight loss don't recognize me at first (including my own brother :smile: )

    You can do this......believe in yourself, and trust that it is truly a LIFEstyle, not a DIEt.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    10g won't make or break your diet --but it's a matter of when you do eat it. Later in the evening is the worst times to eat complex carbs which just turns into sugar and quickly into fat.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I was unhappy with WW and came here too. I love it! As for carbs, I eat them. I was just reading about a new diet called the Carb Lovers Diet and it explains why women need to eat carbs. I only know what I read about it on, but it seemed to make sense.

    I think we, as humans, were physically made to eat carbs and protein and we should get a healthy balance of both. I try to get carbs and protein in every meal. It helps me to feel more satisfied and gives me the energy I need.