What to do..in between sizes for a wedding..

30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
What would you buy?

A 14 that was big on me NOW and needed to be closed in the back w/ clips (just to see how it looked on me w/o holding it up)

OR a 12, that was not able to be zipped all the way but was "almost" there. Not by a tiny bit but about 6 inches of zipper open!

I have to order it in a few weeks! But the wedding is not until 9/17 BUT I will need alterations by August.

Would you want to KNOW you will have to pay $$$$ for alterations w/ the 14 or WORK towards getting into a 12?



  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    It's always better to go the size bigger. I was in the exact same predicament with my bridesmaid dress. You can't do much if you get the smaller size and it doesn't look very good because it is too snug. Get the 14 but still work your butt off.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    i would work for the 12! more motivation to make each day count! also it's only April! August is quite a bit away!
  • go for the 12!! you got this!!
  • 12!!! dwff motivate yourself to do it!!!
  • If your options are those 2 sizes, I'd definitely go with the 12. Personally, I think you have a great chance of being in a size SMALLER than a 12 by August, when your alterations will need to be done. But, definitely a 14 will be too big by then! Keep up the great work!!!! :smile:
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    I too would go for the bigger one. It's tough to know where you will lose weight, so that would make me nervous. But keep working and make it as loose as you can! It will still look good :-)
  • danamfinn
    danamfinn Posts: 77
    I would definitely buy the 14 and then get it tailored to fit your body, it would cost you maybe $30 at the most, rather than having to get an entire new dress incase the 12 doesnt fit. Better to play it safe! Good luck and have fun
  • cmm_bama
    cmm_bama Posts: 1
    I am in exactly the same spot. I just received my size 10 wedding gown last Friday. Even with shapewear it still stops just short of zipping all the way up. My wedding is in September of this year so I am just working really hard to fit into that dress so that I am proud to look at my wedding photos. I'm only going to try the dress on once a week in order to chart my progress. I think you will be much more proud of yourself for looking beautiful in that size 12. Major alterations on a wedding gown may alter the look anyway so I am going to try my best to do it on my own. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your engagement.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Getting your wedding put together is already stressful. I think you should purchase the 14 and have it taken in. Having the pressure of slimming down to get into the size 12 may only bring up feelings of dread when you think about your gown. When I bought my dress, the sales gal said you should always get the size that fits the largest part of you and then take everything else in. So I bought a 16W (which fit my boobies) and had everything else taken in to fit my curves. Taking in a dress is so much more fun than letting one out.

    Because I'm nosey, I'd love to see a picture of the dress you chose. I miss dress shopping!

    Happy wedding!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I'd get a 12, just because you have all the way until August, and if a 14 is already too big, then definitely by August the 12 should definitely fit, and hopefully even be too big!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    12 you dont want to sub conciously allow yourself to gorge and go back up.
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I would get the 14 because it can be altered. I was in this same situation and it's better to have more fabric than very little fabric when it comes to alterations.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    Opps..sorry. I am not the bride...I am in the wedding! ;) Sorry
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    for my wedding, I wanted to go down to 125, I actually went under 115, had to have my dress altered 4times in all
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry, I assumed you were the bride. ;)

    What a gorgeous old Hollywood glamour dress! I think this kind of dress is going to look good with more fabric, since it is so drapey and flowy. Since David's Bridal is an off-the-rack shop, is there a way you can put a 12 and 14 on hold (even offer to put a down payment so they know you're seriously going to buy) and go back in and make your final decision in June so there is time in July to get alterations done?
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I am a bride and have delt with this with all of my bridesmaids....the alterations departments perfers that you go larger then smaller, because they can always make the dress smaller, but they CAN'T make it larger no matter what. I am not saying you can not make it down to a lower size, it is just better to play it safe then sorry...you don't know what will happen in the next weeks/months and you want to feel comfortable in your dress for the wedding. One of my bridesmaids was going to go a size smaller then what she needed, and I am glad she did not...she hurt her knee really badly soon after and now can't really exercise like she had wanted too...now the dress is still big on her, but she knows that after alterations it will fit her perfectly and will look good without having to stress about losing weight (but she still can even though she got the larger dress, because they can always alter it :) ) Good luck with it all, I know it can be stressful and a weird feeling buying a larger dress or a smaller dress...just make sure you feel comfortable and also know that you will look great in it no matter the size they will be able to alter the larger size and the smaller size you will just have to work work work and will look good too :)
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    Also I just saw the dress...with that fabric...go with the largest...that fabric is hard to go and let that out if you don't quite make it to the 12 by August...I am trying to lose weight for my wedding in August and my dress fits just a slight bigger...I am still worried about going up a size, so it gives me motivation to lose weight so they can alter it smaller...and if I gain some weight it won't be so bad because at each alterations they can make the ajustments.
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