Craving chocolate, help!

I am literally obsessing over solid milk chocolate. Specifically the chocolate bunnies at wally world right now. I've already had a couple this season but refrained from buying one today. However I can't stop thinking about it!

What can I eat instead? Banana chips aren't cutting it.


  • tlaker
    tlaker Posts: 82 Member
    i love the jello brand pudding..its only 60 calories and sugar free!! i even get fat free cool whip to mix with it sometimes :) i have it pretty much every night because i love chocolate and i feel like i'm not depriving myself!...also if i get the late night munchies, after my little dessert i immediately make green tea and relax, it ALWAYS fills me up!!
  • Kellyr107
    Kellyr107 Posts: 43
    My sis in law used to buy a chocolate bar and break it into squares. She would package it in small servings and freeze them. She would take a piece out when she had the craving and only eat what she preportioned once a day.
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks, I think I'll try the whipped cream mixed in. That's how I make my banana pudding too.
    I may try breaking up the chocolate too. It's too hard for me to eat frozen so that'll stop me from eating it all at once!
    Thanks ladies!