Another questions about net calories/calories remaining

If I have for example 150 calories remaining in my diary at the end of the day am I right in understanding that my deficit is now 150 PLUS the daily deficit already calculated by MFP?
For example, if MFP gives me a daily deficit of 350 and then I have 150 remaining after my daily log of food and exercise, my total deficit for the day would be =500? Sorry if this is stupid, but I think I am over analyzing everything right now....LOL


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Yes if you're set for any rate of loss MFP has you at some deficit over 7 days, being below your caloric goal increases your deficit which is why we're on here to follow the plan since it adds exercise calories back to eat your exercise.. to keep the deficit at the selected rate.
  • redxmasqueen
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    Yes that is how I interpret it.