Am I really supposed to be jogging so slow?

I had to majorly slow down my jog today for day 2 of C25K. (Day one 1 about died) I tried the "pledge of allegiance" test, and in order for me to jog & talk at the same time...well...I was really really slow. It felt more like a bouncy walk than a jog. My husband says thats what a jog is...a bouncy walk. :laugh: But I always thought jogging was faster than walking, I can WALK faster than I was jogging today.

Is it normal to be jogging at around 3mph, or slower when you first start?

Here is the article about talking & jogging if you want to take a look -,7124,s6-238-267--7633-0,00.html


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    its called jogging not running
    I had to majorly slow down my jog today for day 2 of C25K. (Day one 1 about died) I tried the "pledge of allegiance" test, and in order for me to jog & talk at the same time...well...I was really really slow. It felt more like a bouncy walk than a jog. My husband says thats what a jog is...a bouncy walk. :laugh: But I always thought jogging was faster than walking, I can WALK faster than I was jogging today.

    Is it normal to be jogging at around 3mph, or slower when you first start?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    its called jogging not running

    I know, but doesn't it go walking > jogging > running...which would seem like jogging would be faster. Otherwise why wouldn't everyone just walk. lol
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I know when you get above 5 mph walking is more difficult than jogging, but I don't remember about slower (I'm thinking jogging is harder).

    More appropriately, jogging (and running) is just a series of short, one legged jumps.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    You'll be able to pick up speed soon enough. I discovered that I was going way too fast initially, and my heart rate climbed quite a bit. Once I slowed down, and kept a steady pace, I was able to solve that little problem. When I slowed down, it really did seem VERY slow, but once you are used to running more and longer, you can certainly pick up the speed.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    jogging is like walking while having a seizure you just kinda flail all around it burns more calories
    its called jogging not running

    I know, but doesn't it go walking > jogging > running...which would seem like jogging would be faster. Otherwise why wouldn't everyone just walk. lol
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    While this article may be about Triathlon training, I believe that the "base building" is still relevant.
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    You're not "supposed" to be going any specific speed - if your jog is 3 mph, then your jog is 3 mph. Your body will adjust (it may take some time) and soon you'll find that your jog is definitely distinct from your walk and that a run is a clear exertion (i.e. you can't have a conversation with someone while you're doing it). Everyone has their own jogging speed. When I'm at the gym, the guy next to me on the treadmill might be 6'6" and consider 7 mph a jog, while I consider 7 mph a run. It's all relative.

    I don't know if this will help at all, but I consider my walking range to be anything beneath ~4 mph, my jogging range 4-5.5 mph, and my running range anything that's above 5.5. Those are arbitrary cutoffs, of course, and they have changed since I first started running (which was only a few weeks ago).
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    This is a great question -- i am alternating intervals to find the right pace -- and the biggest question for me (coming from a background of doing long distance walks) is how do you best build up the stamina in your legs for doing more distance? --

    I've been running only about a month usually 3 or 4 days about 5 - 7 K per run... Leg pain is what stops me now about 50 minutes to an hour in (street running and it's pretty hilly around here ,too<ouch!>)... not the cardio but the hammering mostly in my upper thighs and calves to a lesser extent
  • liveinbliss
    liveinbliss Posts: 108 Member
    I only started running about a year and half ago and in all honesty....even though I can run at 5.5 on the treadmill having a conversation at that speed is still not going to happen for me. I live at high altitude which sort of complicates that problem but if I were to jog at a rate that I was able to talk at I would just be walking. I just figure I will keep getting better if I keep working at it. Good luck with your jogging!
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Slow is fine, dont stress about it.
    When I started running with a club many years ago we got taught that as long as you are making the right movements (ie the bouncy walk lol) then your brain will think that you are jogging. Thats why instead of walking when you get puffed you slow down instead.
    Start slow then gradually you will find yourself picking up the pace a bit through the weeks.
    You will be fine
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I had the same question when I first started the c25k. This is the advice given to me and it has worked so far. The c25k is not about speed, it is about endurance. Getting you to that point where you can jog for the 30 minutes at a time. Then start to worry about speed. Once you have the endurance increase your speed and distance a little each week until you are where you want to be. At first I was walking at 3.5 and jogging at 4.0 Now I am on week 4. I still walk at 3.5 and I now jog between 5.5 and 6.0 but I am not feeling like I am going to pass out. Listen to your body and do not over do it.
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    I love your ? I am also doing C25K...W9D2, so I'm almost done with the program but when I started I thought I would die! I mean jog for 60 seconds straight for real....I don't think so, but I did...survived and after a few weeks of persistants I realized that I had missed my "walk now" session. I HAD FOUND MY RHYTHM...(ck out my blog it's on there)....But I still felt like I was VERY slow so I actually asked my daughter to watch me and see if what I was doing was actually concurred that it was and so I was OK with "my jog". I have tried to "up my game" but get chin splints so, I just keep my rhythm and am running for 40 mins and loving every minute of it. Keep going only gets better!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    jogging is like walking while having a seizure you just kinda flail all around it burns more calories

    When I was trying to stop myself from getting stiff in my shoulders I would shake it out every 15 sec or so...I probably really did look like I was having some kind of seizure.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    While this article may be about Triathlon training, I believe that the "base building" is still relevant.

    Thank you very much! I can use all the help I can get.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    3.0 is not jogging. It is not even walking very fast. My opinion is that the slowest jog is 4.0 at least. Personally I consider 6.5 a jog.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Yep, it can really be that slow. I've always logged my time/distance since I started just like I now log my food but on another site. My first mile was about 18minutes, within a couple of weeks I was at 15min/mile. Now a normal 'talking' or easy run is about 11 minutes in a mile. An all out race pace has gone from 15 minutes per mile to about 10 minutes per mile, maybe a little faster on a really good day. you can check out my running log at under the name pengu. some of us may not ever get really fast, but we do get better, and I feel 100% better than when I started. It's worth the effort, keep it up!
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    3.0 is not jogging. It is not even walking very fast. My opinion is that the slowest jog is 4.0 at least. Personally I consider 6.5 a jog.

    Way to be supportive.....

    A 6.0 is a 10-minute mile, and that is certainly not jogging. She's doing fine whether she meets your standards or not.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks everyone. It was good read about other peoples experience with this. I think my problem is, I walk between 3mph & 4mph. (figured this by timing myself per mile). So the fact that I'm jogging the same speed or slower really bugs me.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Patience grasshopper, you weren't born walking, you had to learn. It's the same with jogging/running, it takes practice but with regular training you'll be surprised how quickly your stamina improves.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I'm hopeless at running, have been all my life, and used to get into conflicts with teachers at primary school about it because i was so bad at it...

    i was running at 4.0 today, and i have not run in at least 6 years, so for me it was running, even though it's barely above walking pace my heart rate would have been over 160bpm.

    i can only ever run for a couple of minutes and then i have to rest to let my heart rate drop a bit. even when i was fit and wearing a bikini and doing it regularly and every week for months on end, i still just couldn't jog for more than a few minutes at a stretch before i needed to walk. i'm not a runner, as much as i'd love to be, i just am not good at it.

    there is no way i could have talked normally whilst running today...