Still confused about eating the exercise calories

Ok, so I've read some of the posts about eating the exercise calories, but I still need some clarification. I'm taking prescription meds to help me with the initial stage of my weight loss and I have a very low appetite because of it. I eat every 2-3 hours but struggle to get 1200 calories, some days I'm lucky to hit 1000. I have been trying to add some higher calorie yet nutritious snacks like nuts. I started exercising about 3 weeks ago and am up to doing about 30-35 minutes on the elliptical 3 days per week, burning 300-380 calories each time and have been able to raise my calories to 1400 or so on most of those days. Today I actually did 2 30 minute sessions, burning 635 calories. and managed to stuff in 1538 calories. I know that's not great, but I'm trying to get better. On to my question...
I exercise in the evening from 8-9 pm (while my son has MMA class next door). When exactly am I supposed to eat the additional calories? I can't eat all of the extra 350 or so calories after, and I can't eat it before because I don't know how much I'm going to burn. Any suggestions?
Just an extra note:
My doctor at the weight loss clinic told me that as long as I'm eating healthy every 2-3 hours it's okay if i don't get up to 1200 (at least for now) because as long as my body's being fed on a regular basis, it won't go into starvation mode. Any thoughts about this? Any thoughts on this?
Thank you everyone!


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    "My doctor at the weight loss clinic told me that as long as I'm eating healthy every 2-3 hours it's okay if i don't get up to 1200 (at least for now) because as long as my body's being fed on a regular basis, it won't go into starvation mode."

    That was AMAZING for me to read. :)
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Bump. I am having a hard time with this too! I am doing weight watchers and I seem to meet my "points" each day but not my calorie goal. I guess incorporating higher calorie foods that are healthy is the best advice for now.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's really up to you - if you are happy with the advice and support from your doctor then I wouldn't worry too much. The 1200 cal minimum seems to me to be a good general guideline, but if you have specific advice for your own situation then you should probably follow that. It doesn't mean that what your doctor suggested to you is right for others on the list though. And remember that if you are exercising more your body needs enough good fuel to keep it happy and healthy.
    I plan my meals and snacks for the day, estimating my calories to be burnt so I can spread my food out over the day.
  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    Yea, I definitely would not suggest what my doctor told me to be good for others, I honestly assumed he said that because I am so overweight and have plenty of fat for my body to eat away at. Same thing goes for the meds...I don't recommend them to others., but for me, not having an appetite has allowed me to sit down and plan what I'm going to eat, measure everything, etc, instead of feeling starved and driving to the nearest fast food drive thru.
    I was hoping that maybe someone else had gone through the same thing and could tell me whether they continued to lose weight. I'm so afraid of sabotaging everything I've done so far by not eating enough. I go back to the doctor next week and I'll see what he says.
    Any suggestions for high calorie, healthy foods?
    Thanks for everyone's thoughts and advice!