Does MyFitnessPal really work? (Newbie)

Hey everyone,

I'm new here and I have never had to lose weight before. I have about 18lbs to lose since having a baby two and half months ago.

I've been following MyFitnessPal since last Friday. I am eating 1200 cals and doing a bit of exercise everyday. I haven't weighed myself yet as I am going to weigh in every Friday.

So does it actually work? Because I've never had to lose weight, for some reason I just have it in my head that it's not going to work & nothing is going to help me lose weight. When I look in the mirror I don't look as though I have lost any weight and its been nearly a week!

Update :
So I have been doing this program for 6 days today & I just weighed myself as I couldn't wait until tomorrow & I have lost..... NOTHING! I am still exactly the same weight as I was before & I am eating healthier, less & exercising. How the hell does his work.

I feel sad now :( lol


  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi This is my first attempt at needing to lose weight also. I can tell you if you follow MFP it works. Did MFP suggest the 1200 or did you just pick that amount of calories?
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Well, the program itself doesn't "work," you have to work the program. But, if you stick to the limits, and workout and log all that then it is a wonderful tool for your weight loss. I've lost 36 lbs, now some of that was before mfp, I used to use the little calculator on my computer to count my calories, but I'd forget stuff and always had to read labels or look up nutritional value on google, so this is a much easier, simpler, and faster way to do it. Essentially, mfp is a calorie, sugar, fat, and other nutrient counter. It is also a place for support and motivation. Stick with it, it's fun for me now, so I really love mfp. You'll do great, keep it up. I am also losing baby weight (actually if you gain 50 lbs, it's not really baby weight, it's just fat ;p haha I guess I just feel better calling it 'baby weight')
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, Thanks for the reply.

    No I picked that amount of calories :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Ok then I would suggest you go back into your goals and let MFP set the amount of calories for you
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Why should I do that? I just though that if I put it to 1200 cals a day then I would lose weight faster?
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    This program works if you work it! You are the one that will have to put in the effort and check in daily and get the support you need, no one can do this for you. We are all here for the same reason and finding support and inspiration is a great help in losing weight. I have lost 57lbs since starting MFP back in November, so yes, it has worked for me but I am also very consistent and motivated to reach my goals like many other people on here. Good luck to you!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Nope it doesn't work like that.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for the support :)

    So how do I let MFP pick the calories for me? Is it the bit where I fill in the goals and then on the drop down menu where it says 'lose 1lb a week (recommended)' ?

    I just chose the 'lose 2lb a week' bit as I have read alot of people on here using that one, so I thought it was fine. Don't really see why it's not to be honest.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Yes it least for me. So far I've lost 28 pounds (2 stone) and the first stone I lost only on eating the recommended amount of calories. Then I started exercising and lost the other stone. The best thing about this site is the fact that there is huge amount of people that you can relate to and who will support you and I've never thought I will be the exercising type, but now do a little bit every day thanks to all the great exercises I found people doing here. I have 2 kids and one is still home (4 years) so I know that mum';s always don't have the time they want, but I'm sure you will find your way to squeeze exercise in. :smile:
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    Why should I do that? I just though that if I put it to 1200 cals a day then I would lose weight faster?

    Do what MFP says regarding calories :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you have a lot of weight to lose then 2lb a week is fine but 2lb is not guaranteed. If you only have a small amount to lose its pretty important to choose a smaller amount to lose per week, I've seen many of my friends start stalling when theyre on the last 20lbs suddenly start losing again when they've dropped their expected loss from 2lb to 1lb.

    Does MFP work? Obviously you need to do the work but the tools and the support on here can make it all so much easier so I'll say yes, it does IF you want it to
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    If you log what you eat, drink lots of water and eat well then yes it works. If you only have 18lbs to lose then it might be best to aim for 1 lb a week tho.
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58
    I will say it works :) But you have to be able to do the work. I was having a hard time losing weight and even though I was on here I wasn't really sticking to it. So recently I was sticking to it and I did see some results :) I went on vacation and gained some of it back but that was totally my fault since we ate crap. But I am back and ready to kick some of this weight off! good luck!
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    But I wanted to lose weight quickly :(

    I wanted to drop quite alot of weight by next month as it's my birthday.

    So because I've picked the lose 2lbs a week one does that mean it's likely not to work?
  • Enaz29
    Enaz29 Posts: 44 Member
    MFP works. I have a 3 month old baby and during the week while I used the MPF and exercise 6 days a week I've lost 7lbs!
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Update :
    So I have been doing this program for 6 days today & I just weighed myself as I couldn't wait until tomorrow & I have lost..... NOTHING! I am still exactly the same weight as I was before & I am eating healthier, less & exercising. How the hell does his work.

    I feel sad now :( lol
  • Enaz29
    Enaz29 Posts: 44 Member
    It is important to write down all what you eat in food diary. Goal is 1200 calories a day rather than simply eating less.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    But I wanted to lose weight quickly :(

    I wanted to drop quite alot of weight by next month as it's my birthday.

    So because I've picked the lose 2lbs a week one does that mean it's likely not to work?

    Update :
    So I have been doing this program for 6 days today & I just weighed myself as I couldn't wait until tomorrow & I have lost..... NOTHING! I am still exactly the same weight as I was before & I am eating healthier, less & exercising. How the hell does his work.

    I feel sad now :( lol

    Quicker doesnt mean better, choosing 2lb a week may work for you but from the friends on my list with little to lose I've found it to be less likely.

    As for your weigh in...starting or increasing exercise will almost always see an increase in weight to begin with as your muscles hold on to fluids to help repair and refuel the next work out. What calories have you been eating, what is your sodium level at? if you choose ready made low fat foods theyre often packed with salt and sugar to make up the flavour of the lost fats.

    Weight loss is not a race, patience really is a virtue in this instance
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Weight loss is not a race, patience really is a virtue in this instance

    Amen to that!! :flowerforyou:
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    I have been eating 1200 cals a day or more when I do exercise which is less than what I normally eat. I also eat all homemade food, I never eat ready made stuff as it's full of rubbish!

    Yesterday my sodium level for the whole day was 1,436mg is this too much? I don't know anything about sodium. How does this affect how much you lose etc...?

    Yes that makes sense about putting on weight when you first start exercising. I have just measured myself and I have lost between 1/2 an inch to an inch everywhere within like 5 days, so it's definatly working :)