Michelle Bridges book lose the last 5 kilos

So for the past four days I've been following the Michelle Bridges lose the last 5 kilos diet and exercise program. It's been really good, the recipes are amazing, the servings are generous and the exercise suggestions are good.

BUT on Tuesday I did my very first Pump class and my thighs were quite sore, more than they have been for a few years after exercise. Then yesterday, in line with the book, I did a 45 minute run.

And now I can't move. I actually can't get off the couch, my quads hurt with every step to the point that my leg will give out if I step wrong.

I don't know when I'll be able to go back to the gym, and I'm supposed to be exercising 6 days a week...

So I've decided to rest my muscles and halve the portions for main meals so I don't ruin the program too much. Anyone have any better advice?


  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Well I have three thoughts. The first is that if you are following a program, be cautious. If you have not been running in six months, or you normally only run ten minutes, then 45 minutes is not a good idea your first time in. Work your way up to those sorts of things.

    The second thought is that if you are in PAIN you should go to the doctor. There is a difference between extreme soreness and pain. If you injured yourself running then you need to see a doctor, the sooner the better. If on the other hand you are just extremely sore, I suggest that you go for a nice walk today and try to walk of part of the soreness. Stretching and moving your legs without putting extra strain on them will help you feel better faster.

    The third thought is that maybe you shouldn't halve your servings. Eat the full breakfast, and then 3/4 of lunch and supper. If your body is really sore it needs good nutrients in order to heal itself. If you start starving yourself right now it will only make healing take longer, plus you will probably get grouchy from being underfed and be more likely to fall into temptation. Allow yourself a small afternoon snack of some fruit, nuts, cheese or piece of chocolate. The last thing you want is to fall of the horse due to hunger!!

    Keep up all the good work!
  • ashmo1785
    ashmo1785 Posts: 117
    I've just received this book from by Boyfriend haven't started it yet as i want to read it first then start.

    I will take on what SouthernBell has said re the running etc as i go to the gym but don't really run.

    Thanks for giving me the heads up regarding the amount of exercise and i hope you get better soon.
  • mmorganj
    mmorganj Posts: 5
    it's just sore muscles, the exercise program is pretty intense, i will warn you now.

    thanks for the tips, i think keeping the breakfasts the same size is a good idea, i hadn't thought of that.

    i used to run a lot, but i hadn't run more than 15 minutes in about a year...i'm just gonna keep going with stretching and maybe some warm wheat bags to stretch out the muscles.

    i would recommend the book though, she's very easy to understand and basically just says 'eat less, move more'. you get 300 calories a day for snacks and i use it either for fruit and stuff or for a chocolate if i really want one. just watch yourself with your exercise :) my mistake! this morning i felt so guilty not being able to go to my scheduled pump class tonight but i realised that i'd just but down my calories and go back when i feel recovered..
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,

    I am starting Monday.... wish my all luck!!