Weight Watchers

lildee4567 Posts: 14
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So I started weight watchers about a week ago and have lost 6 lbs so far and thats fast. I was trying to do it on my own and found that it was very hard. I had a baby 8 months ago and im trying hard to lost my belly.
My question is has anyone done this program and lost weight without doing much of a workout. I can only get workout in where they fit in due to my baby trying to walk now.:happy:


  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    hiya, my best friend has lost two stone using weight watchers - with not one bit of exercise!
    it has taken her nearly a year to lose that weight though, but it's been coming off steadily (1lb a week).

    on the other hand, i've gone down the counting calories and exercising 5 times a week route, and i seem to be losing it at about the same rate as she did.

    i guess it just depends on how you do, but i think as long as you stick to your points you should be fine! not sure if you've joined the online (or whether you get that free with your membership) but there's some lovely recipes on there with the ProPoints value calculated, my friend's cooked a few and they're lovely! just be careful to weigh out your portions, they are smaller than you'd think!

    good luck! :)
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    I used to do weight watchers on there old plan and lost 9 stone in a year with hardly any exercise. I put 5 back on due to a back problem and feeling sorry for myself and eating rubbish again lol. Ive nearly lost it all now but this time ive made sure ive worked out as before it just left me looking all flabby so i definately think its best to try tone up as you go along and its made me more motivated and energetic working out :)

    Mandy x
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi I lost 2.5 stone in 5 months with weightwatchers,didnt do much exercise,I was breastfeeding round the clock at the time so I think that definately did help,its a great way to loose weight,what I found awkward is it was great while loosing weight it was when I hit my goal weight it all went pear shaped,my own fault not weightwatchers,I just lost track of myself,I will say I never regained all my old weight,presently Im trying to shift about a stone am not in any hurry but Im wondering as you get older is it just a bit harder to shift?Ive lost about 6lbs since February,there was a time when I would loose this in a week!
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