30 day shred

is this practical to try and do if you're moderately overweight? or is this like one of those exercise tapes for people who are already pretty skinny? thinking of buying some video workout tapes and wondering what would be best...


  • rks6902
    rks6902 Posts: 29 Member
    I am about 100 pounds overweight and have done it on level 1. I am pretty active though and was sore after doing it but yes, it can be done. I never went to level 2. I don't do tapes too often as I have so many other options and prefer to be outside whenever possible.
    I started it and was on the last 10 days when I found out I was pregnant and had to stop. I was about 65lbs overweight, and It was tough, but sooo worth it. It was perfect for me, because it only took about 25 minutes to do it, but it had me dripping sweat before I finished. I intend on doing it again once I have my little girl.
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    I started it at 240 lbs..... I am on round 2 so yes it can be done, modify moves if it is too hard on joints, etc...
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    It's a tough workout for someone not used to exercising a lot, but definitely anyone could do it. I enjoy it and find it challenging but not so challenging it discourages me. I need to drop another 22 lbs, but I have been exercising on an elliptical and doing Zumba regularly for about 6 months. I am still at Level 1, on Day 4 with 30DS. I love Jillian Michaels.
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    30DS is tough. If you really want to push yourself to do your best and lose the weight, then 30DS is a good choice, no matter what your weight is.
  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, it is possibel!!! I am 221lbs and am on day 18 level 2!!!! Each level I was sore for about 3 days then adjusted!!!! I do the moderate version of the exercises. There is an advanced girl to follow and a beginner girl to follow. It's not easy but you have to push thru is if you are committed to this weight loss journey. I was very intimidated by it but I never let Inimidation get the best of me!
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    well, I won't lie to you.....it's VERY hard but, that being said.....she yells at you the whole time and says "get your butt moving, I have 300pound people that can do this move so DO IT"......I think you can do it!!! =) Good luck! She always has one girl doing modified versions of every move! It's so short that even if you're totally dying (which I was the firs few times), it's over quickly. And, it's only $11 on Amazon so it's totally worth the money even if you have to slowly work your way up to it!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    go to half price books! i've seen several of the JM dvd's there for about 8 or 9 bucks each.

    and the workout is totally worth it. i was still over the 240 mark when i started doing level 1, just to see if i could. my husband noticed differences in my legs within a week and a half.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    It's a great workout - kicked my butt and had me gasping for breath, but like someone else said - it's over in 20 minutes. The hardest part for me is turning on the DVD player, moving the coffee table and convincing myself to do it... one it's on, there's no turning back. I did the video about 10 times over a month just because of my hectic schedule and it got easier each time...never EASY, but less hard. Go for it!