going shopping today and need help on what to buy.

denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
food shopping is always an issue for me, either i get to many processed thing sor i get lots of fruit and veggies and half of them go bad.

ive decided to plan my meals for about a week for me and my bf, and just buy what i need for those meals.

but i still have NO IDEA what to buy, i can never find recipes i like, im reallly picky.

I need help, som eideas, a list, recipes..something. please read below though at the things i dont eat.

my bf doesnt eat meat.
i dont eat any seafood
but i also have no problem cooking two seperate meals.

i dont eat sweet potatoes, culiflower, peppers, onions, bananas, pears, melons,sour cream, cottage cheese, i rather not eat yogurt..im sure theres more things that im forgetting.

i also do not want to cook soup or chilli- its almost 90 here everyday.

i dont have a slow cooker, crock pot.

my main issue is lunch and dinner and small inbetween things.

see my problem?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    What about kabobs? You can put meat on yours, shrimp on his, and whatever veggies you guys like (i usually do tomatoes, peppers and onions, but whatever) on them. That way you each get exactly what you want. Marinate in a little soyaki sauce first and you're good to go.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I have a calendar at home I plan out my meals for the month....I write each one down, and then on Friday create my grocery list from the next weeks menu. And of course we have our staples (milk, bread produce etc.) The nice thing about just cooking for the two of you is you could easily could 1 meal for each of you and get 2 or 3 dinners from it.

    How about
    spaghetti seperate the sauce and meat, or just use meatballs for yours
    grilled meats (for you)
    Veggie pizza
    breakfast for dinner

    for lunch
    soups (homemade)

    In between get things like grapes, carrots, apples, bananas, greek yogurt...things easy enough to grab
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    If you go to allrecipes.com you can pick out some recipes add them to you box and create a shopping list with those recipes ingredients. It is free and you can find recipes for just about anything.

    My favorite is the lemon chicken tenders, I also like the cambells broccoli beef recipe.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Here are some ideas from what I make for myself:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal with fruit or raisins, eggs with toast and a fruit salad, granola
    Lunch: Turkey sandwich (or hummus for your bf), cold soups like gazpacho (you can make a bunch and have it in the fridge), salad with tuna, baby carrots with anything
    Dinner: rice/pasta/quinoa with veggies mixed in (and meat for you),pita pizzas (I'm a convert... these are delicious and super easy), grilled chicken breast (or portbella for the bf) with grilled veggies on the side

    I hope this gives you a few ideas! Good luck!

  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
    I second the kebobs recommendation. Also, you probably tend to eat a lot of salads... have you tried making your own dressing? There are some fantastic recipies online that really wake up a salad and make it new again. Very refreshing. Just used one from chef Tal Ronnin. Much better than bottled dressing.
  • kmunis
    kmunis Posts: 48 Member
    Best things to buy are lots of fresh veggies and fruits that you do like. Don't be afraid to try new things - I now LOVE kale and eat it almost once a week.

    As far as main dishes and you and your bf's dislikes/restrictions, try looking up some recipes for a good vegetarian meals. If you don't want to go vegetarian, cook yourself something like a chicken breast on the side.

    Some other thoughts - hummus, greek yogurt (very different from regular yogurt, not sure if you've tried it), quinoa and avacodos.

    I try mapping my week out - something like Mon is chicken with lentils, Tues is pork with kale, Wed is pasta, Thurs is leftovers, etc. Its helps to know what I'm cooking each night - saves more time than you might imagine.

    Bottom line is that its best to go into a supermarket with a plan, this way you can avoid processed foods, high calorie stuff and everything else that is bad for you.
  • mollie6986
    mollie6986 Posts: 63 Member
    Stick to the Outside edges of the supermarket, fresh things! Only get eough for a few days to prevent anything from going bad! Frozen entree items can be healthy, or disceving! Check the sodium on the label, about 500mg per meal should fit right in with your DCI.
    I recomment planning out your meals before you head to the store that way you know what your getting and what you will use to prevent anything from going bad! Good luck!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I love Rachel Rays zuchinni bow tie pasta. - no meat or other things on your list. but you can add chicken to your portion for protein

    mexican twice baked potatos. Bake potatoes a little over half cooked. remove take out cut in half an remive insides. mix insides with salsa, black eabs and corn, refill potato skins and back until mushey i guess about 15-20 min. melt cheese on top if desired. serve with a salad.

    for lunch I love chicken salad 30oz canned chicken, 2/3 cup of grapes. 1/8t o 1/4 cup walnuts. I use either ranch dressing or greek yogurt with ranch seasoning but you can use mayo or mericle whip. what ever you like to hold it all together.

    I love natural walnut and almond 100cal packs and clemintines for snacks.
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    Lentil Tomato Sauce
    4 tbsp olive oil
    1/2 cup carrots
    1 large onion
    6 cloves garlic
    2 ribs celery
    1 1/2 cups lentils
    1/2 ts dry thyme
    1 28 ox can of tomatoes
    4 cups low sodium chicken broth (or veggie)
    sea salt and ground pepper to taste

    1. Heat oil in large skillet and add carrots, onions, garlic, and celery. Cook until soft. Add lentils and thyme. Continue cooking a few more minutes until lentils are coated. Add tomatoes to mixture and break them up a bit. Add broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally. The lentils are done when they begin to soften like beans.

    2. Cook whole grain pasta of your choice and you're done!

    I love this recipe, there are always leftovers and I usually just eat the sauce by itself it's so good. It's a nice vegetarian meal when I dont feel like meat, but the lentils make it very filling.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Best things to buy are lots of fresh veggies and fruits that you do like. Don't be afraid to try new things - I now LOVE kale and eat it almost once a week.

    I second that.

    I'm a VERY picky eater. At least I used to be. Since I've been really focusing on my health and weight, I've been "trying" new things. Doesn't mean I like them all. Veggies for one is something I've been really testing my taste buds at. I used to only be meat and potatoes and never would you see me eat anything Seafood. Crab is something I will eat. My bf's dad makes me salmon cakes - doesn't taste anything like a fish! I love asparagus! Brussel sprouts are not my fave, but if my bf makes them I can dabble a little bit.

    As for shopping? Greek yogurt is a staple in my house. Soooo many things you can do with Greek Yogurt. I get the fruited/flavored for breakfast and the plain for use of a mayo or dip - add a little ranch or veggie seasoning. Yum! Also, almonds and string cheese are my go-to snack. Apples, Oranges, Carrots are great - they store and keep nicely in case I don't eat them all right away.

    As for dinners? What about a crock pot lasagna? Hmmm! Easy to make and you can add anything you want.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Get some Boca burgers, They are great. Kahi waffles or even Kashi pizza! Pick up 100% whole wheat bread. Raw almonds. Oh and something I like to pick up is simply potatoes. I love greek yogurt too!!!
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    what are the differences with eating lowfat plain yogurt versus the greek yogurt, calories, protein, etc??? I see alot of people eating greek yogurt so I will have to try it and find ideas for it...any other ideas for this greek yogurt, recipes, what to eat it with, etc?
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