I am so discouraged I could just cry -- sodium!

BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I know there is another post about sodium floating around on the boards, but I am just so frustrated and needed to vent a bit. Please forgive me lol. I have been a member of this site for a few weeks now, and I feel like I am making so many great improvements. Now that I am actually aware of the calories in the things I usually eat, I am realizing how many calories I was eating before, and I am cutting so much out. I went from being completely sedentary to exercising for about 30 minutes 4 times a week.

I am still registering a 4 pound gain for my third week on the program, and the general consensus seems to be that sodium is the culprit. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, so I should be avoiding sodium anyway, and I thought I was (I don't add salt to food as I cook it and I rarely use table salt and I avoid things that are obviously salty like pretzels, etc.). Now that I have started tracking sodium, I am finding it incredibly difficult to stay within my sodium limits, and today, even within my calories.

Usually by the end of the day, I have calories left over and I can splurge on an apple and some peanut butter for an evening snack, and exercise is an added bonus that I can have some chocolate soy milk or something, but tonight, I HAVE to exercise to break even for the day...and I probably won't be able to have a snack tonight because I'm not sure I can work off the number of calories that I am over. I have no idea how this happened.

Thanks for listening. I am just so discouraged, and although I am not giving in to that "I blew my calories already so let's go get some ice cream" mode of thinking, I am pretty frustrated and feeling a bit hopeless at the moment. How do you guys balance your calories and your fat and your sodium all at once? I'm finding that some great low cal snacks like popcorn are so heavy in sodium (I don't have an air popper, so I use the stuff in the microwaveable bags but won't be eating those again unless I can find a lower sodium alternative), and even condiments are causing me trouble (from ketchup to salad dressing to everything in between). I saw a post the other day where someone said she could usually keep her sodium to 1500 mg or less per day...how...please tell me how! LOL.


  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I know there is another post about sodium floating around on the boards, but I am just so frustrated and needed to vent a bit. Please forgive me lol. I have been a member of this site for a few weeks now, and I feel like I am making so many great improvements. Now that I am actually aware of the calories in the things I usually eat, I am realizing how many calories I was eating before, and I am cutting so much out. I went from being completely sedentary to exercising for about 30 minutes 4 times a week.

    I am still registering a 4 pound gain for my third week on the program, and the general consensus seems to be that sodium is the culprit. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, so I should be avoiding sodium anyway, and I thought I was (I don't add salt to food as I cook it and I rarely use table salt and I avoid things that are obviously salty like pretzels, etc.). Now that I have started tracking sodium, I am finding it incredibly difficult to stay within my sodium limits, and today, even within my calories.

    Usually by the end of the day, I have calories left over and I can splurge on an apple and some peanut butter for an evening snack, and exercise is an added bonus that I can have some chocolate soy milk or something, but tonight, I HAVE to exercise to break even for the day...and I probably won't be able to have a snack tonight because I'm not sure I can work off the number of calories that I am over. I have no idea how this happened.

    Thanks for listening. I am just so discouraged, and although I am not giving in to that "I blew my calories already so let's go get some ice cream" mode of thinking, I am pretty frustrated and feeling a bit hopeless at the moment. How do you guys balance your calories and your fat and your sodium all at once? I'm finding that some great low cal snacks like popcorn are so heavy in sodium (I don't have an air popper, so I use the stuff in the microwaveable bags but won't be eating those again unless I can find a lower sodium alternative), and even condiments are causing me trouble (from ketchup to salad dressing to everything in between). I saw a post the other day where someone said she could usually keep her sodium to 1500 mg or less per day...how...please tell me how! LOL.
  • jg55
    jg55 Posts: 4
    it seems all processed food has sodium in it..try doing more cooking with out........
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I keep mine almost always under 1600 and when I do go over, I never exceed 2000. Here's a link to the latest post talking about sodium and what some, including myself, do to keep sodium down.


    As for condiments, I buy the "No-Salt-Added" Ketchup and use the Morton Lite Salt for when I do wish to salt something AFTER I cook it.
  • LeelaStar
    LeelaStar Posts: 36
    Hi, Laura! I am new to the boards and just started to track my food intake, and I am really blown out of the water by my sodium intake, too. Thanks for asking about this as your question will help others like me who are experiencing difficulty in this area.

    I just wanted to comment that I am so very impressed with how you are not giving in to that I-blew-it-so-screw-it attitude! You are incredible!! :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Uggggg! Sorry you are feeling discouraged girlie!!! I donno what to say, but just plan your days in the AM, drink tons of water, and get moving! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • dixon5000
    dixon5000 Posts: 111 Member
    Food for thought. When I cut weight, I rarely worried about sodium. This should be a thought 3/4s into your diet. Right now, programming your body and mind to eat healthy is the number one priorty. I boil all my chicken first then grill it. If you boil it, it gets rid of all or almost all the sodium in your chicken.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    It took me between 1 and 2 weeks of really working on it to get my sodium levels down to under 1500mg a day. I would have to say that I pay the most attention to calories and sodium in the foods I eat and for the other categories, I really try to get enough protein and over 25g a day of fibre. I know I eat good complex carbs all through the day and I try to avoid the bad fats but to me it boils down to a whole foods, balanced diet and focusing on calories and sodium.

    Cheese is really infrequent. I don't really use condiments other than salsa anymore due to sodium (and I had to look for a salsa low in sodium... found a great organic one called Bandito's) and really just stay away from processed foods.

    Just think: a few weeks ago you were inactive, not eating as well, consuming more calories, and not paying the same kind of attention to your nutrition. Look how far you've come in such a short time!! There is SO much information and SO MUCH you can learn from this site and logging your food and it takes some time to integrate all of that into smooth-going practice. You absolutely can do it just have patience. That's the name of this game. And praise yourself for not giving up on your day and working off what you had!!

    You're doing great Laura and you'll master the sodium too :flowerforyou:
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Ooohhh! Don't give up and do the "I already messed today up so I might as well keep eating," thing! I did that this weekend and it carried over into yesterday. I feel miserable and so upset with myself for it! Stay on the wagon and, even if you don't burn off all of your calories that you are over, it's okay! You can just try a little harder to stick within your calories tomorrow! You'll be okay...you've just hit a bad hump. :flowerforyou:
  • squishfu1
    squishfu1 Posts: 33
    hi- well i know this from my nursing classes is that there is sodium in things we wouldnt ever think, like MILK has a bunch (so does cheese.. ), canned soup, frozen dinners/ lunches. We were taught to tell people that have high BP to shop on the outside of grocery stores and "never" wonder into the inner aisles, think about it all the fresh produce is on the outside, and fresh meat.... i hope this helps some what! u are doing an amazing job! keep ur head up!
  • EllaBella
    EllaBella Posts: 140
    Just keep plugging away--you are doing great!! Sometimes I feel like I get information overload and my brain just can't process it all at once. Concentrate on one thing at a time, like calories and fat, and if you happen to notice a low sodium day, keep a journal of those foods so you can reference back to them. :smile:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    You may have an iodine deficiency..... the tests are expensive, but you could up your iodine intake and have your urine tested which is much cheaper. Iodine can be bought in health food stores. Iodine deficiencies lead to abnormal thyroid levels, which causes weight gain and hampers weight loss.

    I'm not a nurse or a doctor, but this is worth checking out. Good luck. At least on here you will start forming healthy habits that will benefit you in the long run.
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    Food for thought. When I cut weight, I rarely worried about sodium. This should be a thought 3/4s into your diet. Right now, programming your body and mind to eat healthy is the number one priorty. I boil all my chicken first then grill it. If you boil it, it gets rid of all or almost all the sodium in your chicken.

    i agree with this... if i watched every part of the nutrient label.. i wouldnt be able to eat anything.. just start with calories. and fat... and you can calucate the other.. DRINKKKKKKKKKKK YOUR EIGHT CUPS A DAY!!... YOU WILL DO IT...dont give up... hang in there..... you have MFP
  • lisabeavers
    lisabeavers Posts: 115
    you hang in there girl!!!!!!! And it might not be the sodium as much as it is your body adjusting to the new routine. Banks has a really good post on here somewhere about how when you start a diet and exercise program, it takes a bit of time -- and mebbe even some weight gain -- before you start going down on the scales. Anybody seen that post?? Can you repost it here? And check your measurements -- if they are going down, then the numbers on the scale don't matter!!! Much LOVE
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone who has chimed in on this. I ended up doing 49 minutes on the stationary bike tonight, which resulted in 403 calories burned...which means, I got back all the calories that I was in the negative and I can even have an all natural grape popsicle before bed. The bike registered it as 8 miles, which is my personal best. The sodium is still frustrating, but I am just going to work on that. Thanks so much guys...this website is awesome, but it wouldn't be nearly as wonderful if it weren't for all the great people that add their opinions and experiences to the boards to help others. Thank!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone who has chimed in on this. I ended up doing 49 minutes on the stationary bike tonight, which resulted in 403 calories burned...which means, I got back all the calories that I was in the negative and I can even have an all natural grape popsicle before bed. The bike registered it as 8 miles, which is my personal best. The sodium is still frustrating, but I am just going to work on that. Thanks so much guys...this website is awesome, but it wouldn't be nearly as wonderful if it weren't for all the great people that add their opinions and experiences to the boards to help others. Thank!

    awww!!! girl I'm w/ you on this one too!!!

    when I first started...omg I was like 3000 a day easy....I had to reevaluated everything....and finally I got to a place where I can feel better about it...I still notice like today when I have too much...my fingers bloat and I feel crappy...humidity is not a friend of sodium LOL....but dont' you give up BNL....I know you can do this sweetie!!!

    Ali :drinker: ...water water water...flush all that sodium away!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    when I first started...omg I was like 3000 a day easy....I had to reevaluated everything....and finally I got to a place where I can feel better about it...I still notice like today when I have too much...my fingers bloat and I feel crappy...humidity is not a friend of sodium LOL....but dont' you give up BNL....I know you can do this sweetie!!!

    Ali :drinker: ...water water water...flush all that sodium away!

    BNL...that's me! lol are you gonna be in chat tonight? I'm heading there now!
  • dixon5000
    dixon5000 Posts: 111 Member
    Whats the website again
  • BunnyHop
    BunnyHop Posts: 58 Member
    Just hang in there, you're doing a bunch of good things for yourself, and like anything new, it takes a while to get in the groove.

    (And thanks for the reminder, I need to go change my sodium 'goal' number, mine's too high. I try to stay within a certain range, but I'd like a more blatant reminder, LOL!! )

    As for me, I'm PMS'ing like mad, and feeling bloated, but tomorrow morning is 'get on the scale day' and I'm dreading it, even though I've done reasonably well with calories and sodium lately.

    I've avoided the scale for years, just because I don't want to obsess about a number, but now that I'm making the effort to count calories? Yikes.
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