New To MFP

LRapley Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning all,

I started with the website yesterday and am already hooked! I am hoping to start a new healthy path for myself and hopefully can get some tips on how to add exercise in my life. I plan on starting my 30 min walks today but hope that it will turn into that jog I used to take daily when I was in college... :wink: Well, I look forward to all the tips coming my way!!!!


  • I know this is the latest fad, and I was skeptical at first, but you should really check out any ZUMBA in your area because it's amazing. It's more fun with an instructor, but there are even do-it-at-home tricks. It's so fun you'll forget you're working out. I now swear by it.
  • LRapley
    LRapley Posts: 2
    Thank you!! I saw some classes and wondered if it really worked, I will definitely look into it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Welcome LRapley! MFP has a wealth of information as well as great tools. Be sure to click on the

    home tab above, and click on General Diet and Weight Loss Help link to see the sticky links that have valuable MFP info in them.

    best wishes to you.

    XLMKX Posts: 86
    Hello :)

    Nice to see you!!!!

  • This is an awesome site! I love how it makes me conscious of what i am putting in my body. Good Luck and stay positive! Oh ps I also have done zumba and it is a great workout!!
  • mrsdomo
    mrsdomo Posts: 1
    Hi. I started today. So you are already ahead of me!! Good luck to you! I had been using another online tracker but like this much better. I started a health challenge at work at the end of January. It's been rocky so far. I entered all my recorded weights since we started the challenge in here so that I wouldn't feel like I was starting all over again. :)
  • LCantrell
    LCantrell Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome! I also do the Zumba DVD's with my co-workers. We have a lot of fun while working out. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like! Good luck!
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