what the heck!!

Okay so I just weighed myself for the 2nd week weitgh in since I started counting my calories and I'm .5 lbs higher than last weeks weigh in!! Seriously? I could see this happening in a month or further along but what the heck! I'm frustrated because I've been obsessively tracking every ingredient in every recipe. Haven't drank any soda. Haven't eaten anything I wanted to eat on "bad" days. I've been running and doing strength training...grrrrrr!!! This happen to anyone else? I'm 5'6 started at 164 lbs was 161 after first week and am 161.5 this second week. I'm eating 1200 calories and eating my extra work out calories when I get them. :( disappointed and frustrated.


  • mstaxmam
    mstaxmam Posts: 3 Member
    If you are doing heavy weights instead of light weights with more reps.. Then you are probably building muscle
    Very common.
    But muscle burns fat.
    I would advise you to measure inches instead of concentrating on scale.
    You will see where you lose inches.
    Which will keep you motivated
    Have a great week!
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    this may sound scary...but you seriously need to eat more. up your calories to a minimum of 1500 and I promise you will see a difference...give it at least 2 weeks.
    I have been through this with my own journey and many of my clients have struggled with the 1200 calorie limit...every single person I have coached on this has great results...not one has gained weight because they ate more healthy food.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I've been having trouble lately too! I was up 3 last week, tried really hard this week, went down 2, now I'm up 1 again this morning! This has happened to me before, but I just kept plugging along and eventually a chunk of weight dropped of overnight, so maybe we are still losing weight but the scale is deceiving us! I think maybe I'll try to cut out more carbs and work out harder, I don't know....
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    Muscle??? Or that's what they tell me anyways. Same thing happens to me. I seen 159.8 one time. And Now I am back at 160.8. I can't seem to get past it. I was doing some research though, and I upped my calories to 1340. I am 5'5" and started at 168.0, I felt like I wasn't getting enough calories to make it through the day. I am not so "hungry" all the time and I have more energy.

    You might try that. I think MFP is pretty close to your daily caloric intake, but after doing some research, I still think they are off by about 100-200 calories a day.

    Good Luck!! Hopefully this next week you will have a big weight loss!!! :)
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    this may sound scary...but you seriously need to eat more. up your calories to a minimum of 1500 and I promise you will see a difference...give it at least 2 weeks.
    I have been through this with my own journey and many of my clients have struggled with the 1200 calorie limit...every single person I have coached on this has great results...not one has gained weight because they ate more healthy food.
    What if you work out and bring you calories really high, should you eat all that too?! Seems like a lot!
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Your weight fluctuates between a pound or so normally, so you could have just maintained this week, or had a little extra water sitting there. Like they said strength training and just toning are different things, but check your inches as well. I had a few weeks where I stayed weight wise exactly the same, but my inches and body fat % went down. And drink, drink, drink, water, tea, and such great ways to flush the fat stirring around and to keep water weight off.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I agree with the others. Up your calories a little, lower your weights and add more reps and change your routine a little. At two weeks in, your body is not plateauing yet, but as you build muscle and get rid of the fat you will see some small ups. Have faith. This is no sprint we are on, its a marathon!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Don't worry about it: A cup of tea weighs 1lb - your body easily fluctuates by 3 or 4 lb a day. if you're eating healthy and working out then you will see improvement.

    Also - scales suck - especially if you are training - Muscle is much denser than fay. Buy a tape measure: much more useful for working out how much you are improving.
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    Soooo funny story, well not really. After I posted this I stepped off and onto the scale 4 times...yep. Weight went up to 165, down to 160, up to 163 then down to 157. SO the scale just sucks and I really have no clue what to base my weight loss on as far as weight goes apparently! Awesomeeee!!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    LOL - through the scales out - buy a tape measure.
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    I've got a tape and just measured. Have lost some inches. haha. Glad this post was all for nothing since the scale is a spaz! Thank you all for the advice though :) I do wonder if I should up my calories to 1500 because I feel like I am starving myself on the days I can only eat the 1200 (if I dont get any workout in). But at the same time I don't want to over do it because I do want to lose the fat!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I've got a tape and just measured. Have lost some inches. haha. Glad this post was all for nothing since the scale is a spaz! Thank you all for the advice though :) I do wonder if I should up my calories to 1500 because I feel like I am starving myself on the days I can only eat the 1200 (if I dont get any workout in). But at the same time I don't want to over do it because I do want to lose the fat!

    Try it and see what works for you: I started at 1650, went nowhere, dropped to 1450, dropped fast, went back to 1650 because I was getting over tired (lots of CV work, tough recovery periods) and am still dropping at a good rate...
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    this may sound scary...but you seriously need to eat more. up your calories to a minimum of 1500 and I promise you will see a difference...give it at least 2 weeks.
    I have been through this with my own journey and many of my clients have struggled with the 1200 calorie limit...every single person I have coached on this has great results...not one has gained weight because they ate more healthy food.
    What if you work out and bring you calories really high, should you eat all that too?! Seems like a lot!

    honestly...1200 is the minimum most women should be eating without working out regularly. if you weigh around 150...eating 1500 would be an avg amt to consume to maintain without added exercise. Figure out what your BMR is and that number should give you a clue...you can use one of the online BMR calculators like: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    That number is basically what your body burns on avg without you doing anything...if you are burning say 300 calories on avg with your workout then you would need to add those numbers together after figuring your regular daily calorie burn that wasn't from your workout. the numbers can be a bit overwhelming and I think that is why people just go with averages...each person is different and has to figure out what works best for them.

    Me for example...I have a BMR of 1460. I am currently eating an avg of 1800 calories per day...I use the P90X workout program and this week alone I have lost almost 5 lbs. I am coming off of a not so glorious eating crappy (not the fish with the same name) kind of month which put several pounds and inches back on my body. But really...I am 40 years old...eating 1800 calories...burning around 400-500 calories during my daily workouts and I am dropping the weight. Eating to lose is a very true phrase.
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    Soooo funny story, well not really. After I posted this I stepped off and onto the scale 4 times...yep. Weight went up to 165, down to 160, up to 163 then down to 157. SO the scale just sucks and I really have no clue what to base my weight loss on as far as weight goes apparently! Awesomeeee!!!

    Wow...that is a sure sign to get rid of that scale. Scales are so iffy...tape measure is truly the best tool as suggested. I have always been amazed at how much I actually weigh compared to my clothing size....I can get down to 150 lbs and fit into a size 6...in my younger years before I started strength training I was at 150 and barely fit into an 8! Muscle definitely reshapes your body in all the right ways. :)