

  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489


    Also- 1 week won't have you lose much of anything. 1, maybe 2lbs tops. Chillax. You got a long way to go- and it will be longer if you mega freak every time you go 1 week without a loss.

    ^^What she said. :smile:
    really did we act like that every week we over ate, didnt exercise and didn't gain weight!!!!!!!! give yourself and your body a break. go slow or it will go back on twice as fast
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    I was thinking the same thing when I got on the scale this morning! I have been using MFP and working out 5 times a week for the past two weeks and have not seen any results either. We just have to stick together and keep trying to eat well and working out. I am going to work out with a personal trainer on Monday to see if she can help me get a good strength training routine to do with my cardio.

    leigh8210- My husband is the same way too. It takes me forever to loose a pound and he can get on the scale the day after he started eating better and working out and losses 2 pounds!

    Good luck everyone. So thankful for these message boards. They are really helping me to stay motivated!
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    Try treating this as a learning experience. Whatever you're doing isn't working, so it's time to look at it harder, and decide what you can try next. I was doing great until I started upping the ante, then I just hit a sudden plateau. When I started digging into the numbers a bit, I realized that my exercise reporting may have been doing me in. A lot of people out here have noted that some of the exercises seem to over-report calories burned by significant amounts. So, I dug into some other calorie-burn calculation methods and found that, in particular, my time spent on the elliptical was showing far more calories burned than could possibly be. As I had more than tripled my elliptical time in that time, Considering that it seems to be over-reporting calories burned by more than half, I'm going to probably add a new elliptical exercise calculation, specifically for that. My walk calories are in close agreement to what other calculators say, so I'll report those as usual, and I'll calculate other exercises as I'm about to add them.

    I have found that staying focused on what I'm learning, rather than what the scale says, is more satisfying, and gives me goals I can always achieve - even if it's "well, I learned today that tiramisu was a REALLY bad choice for dessert!"
  • leigh8210
    leigh8210 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband and go pee and loose 3 pounds. Me.. Ill pee and gain weight! Just keep your head up and know that if you stick to it, it will happen!! :)

    Thank god! thought it was just me who put on weight post pee!!!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Some times it takes a bit for your body to adjust. I wasn't losing at first even though I was very consistent in meeting my calorie goal each day. Then when I mentined that to my doc, she reminded me to also pay attention to the balance of sodium, potassium and my fats, protien and carbs. When I started eating to reduce those high sodium numbers weight started going down. Also try weighing only once a week. If you weigh everyday it will drive you nuts. Keep at it, you'll get the right groove going. Lots of luck and stay focused!!
  • dmcg123
    dmcg123 Posts: 14 Member
    It's human to want immediate results. It's also human to seek empathy, maybe even sympathy. But, if you didn't know it coming in, you should know it now - living healthy takes committment and hard work.

    We all get frustrated sometimes. But, ask yourself "what are my options?" Let's see... you could quit, maybe grab a couple pints of Haagen Daaz and say "what the heck, I'm destined to be fat". Or, you could say "I'll be damned if I'm giving up, I will move that stinking scale or die trying!!"

    I hope you have the fortitude to choose the latter approach. Use your frustration to intensify your resolve. Get pissed, refuse to accept being fat and prove to yourself that you CAN set a goal and achieve it. It will give you such a sense of accomplishment, and that success and resolve will permeate all aspects of your life.

    Good luck, be strong and succeed!! You ARE in control - how you use that control is completely up to you.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You guys need to understand that many people, especially just starting, are prone to a bit of overkill. You start working out like a fiend, often eating like a bird and putting in all this effort and expecting the scale to immediately confirm you are heading in the right direction.

    That's really just not quite how it works. You need patience and you need to slow down. Here are some of the reasons jumping right in won't work:

    1) If you drop your calories and add in workout, your body will be mega confused. Sometimes it will drop a bunch of weight really quickly, sometime it will be like "What, you're starving and working super overtime and you want me to LET GO of my safety fat stores? WTF?" Moderation will help you take off weight consistently, if slowly, and will give your body time to adjust itself accordingly (shrinking skin and other organs and such).

    2) Working out hard makes you retain water. You aren't gaining hoardes of muscle right away, you are actually creating tiny tears in the muscle that your body needs to repair, which it needs water to do.

    3) Seeing your diary would help because we could see how much you're eating- people often try to eat very little or try to appear as though they are trying to eat very little- so this means they are either eating enough which see above re:body freak out, or are eating too much but not recording accurately and likely overeating. We could also see if you are eating a lot of processed foods which even if you stay in your calorie goals will cause your weight to fluctuate very much because they have high sodium and take a long time for your body to process and expel (sorry if thats gross, but it is what it is).
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Somehow two got added and I can't delete this one. Sorry... still new at this!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Some times it takes a bit for your body to adjust. I wasn't losing at first even though I was very consistent in meeting my calorie goal each day. Then when I mentined that to my doc, she reminded me to also pay attention to the balance of sodium, potassium and my fats, protien and carbs. When I started eating to reduce those high sodium numbers weight started going down. Also try weighing only once a week. If you weigh everyday it will drive you nuts. Keep at it, you'll get the right groove going. Lots of luck and stay focused!!

    I have been weighing myself everyday and I don't think it is such a good idea. I am going to take your suggestion and only weigh myself once a week. I will let you know how it goes! Thanks!!
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