Hello! I am brand new!

Hi, I am brand new here! I have been logging my food for 3 days and MAN, its hard to stay under the goal. I never knew how bad I was eating until now! I dont starve, I dont have to eat nasty food, I just eat less, make better choices! I need some friends on here! I always give up after a couple of weeks, but I cant this time! I am getting married in September and need to lose 20 pounds!


  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    I too was shocked at how many calories I was actually eating! This is the first time I have ever actually tracked what I was eating and I think it really does help.

    i would love to loose about 40 pounds by August but will be happy with 20. 25 year class reunion coming up and I was actually one of the skinny girls in my class so really don't want to go looking like this!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I would be happy to give you any encouragement I can!
  • ibliss
    ibliss Posts: 4 Member
    I'm very much like you.... I don't eat a lot of nasty food either. Once I started looking things up I was amazed at what I was eating added up to.

    I'm a big time fan of this site! I am on it every day, even when I am clearly going overboard. My husband only registers in on days when he is being good. I report everything I eat and find that sometimes when I think I am being bad, I'm really not THAT bad.

    The really great thing is to see what just a little exercise will do to increase the number of calories I can have in a day! Of course exercise has a double benefit... it doesn't just allow me to eat more food but it also is getting me healthier n the long run.

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials! I'd be happy to help where I can!
  • ladycasper
    ladycasper Posts: 16 Member
    Hi and welcome. :)

    Fist congrats on the wedding!!!

    I hear you with trying to stay under the goal. I find having friends on the site is a big big help. Motivation and positive reinforcement as well as a sort of cheering section. Knowing your not the only one is a great feeling. So trying not to sound silly here but... "Want to be my friend?"

    My name is Christina and I 'm 32 with one 14 year old boy. When I started with my fitness pal back in May 2010 I was 155. The lowest I have gotten is 127 but with my favourite exercise being walking outside and with winter still here I have found some of those pounds I lost. :) So I'm up to 133 right now, but summer is on its way I'm sure I will lose those pounds again.

    Well Welcome and hope to talk to you soon
  • v_addison
    v_addison Posts: 114 Member
    I felt the same way when I started with this site but it's amazing how fast your body learns and accepts the new lifestyle :)
  • MissJanay
    MissJanay Posts: 17
    You guys are all so nice! I am excited about this site and all the people! :o)