Lap Band support

I'm new here. Have had a lap band for just over 3 years but old habits have come back hard over the past year. HELP! I need some support and would like to add "friends" who can help! Thanks!


  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    Just remember why you had the lap band procedure in the 1st place. You did it b/c you genuinely wanted to lose weight. Think about all the procedures you had to go through leading up to the day you had it and all the Dr.'s visits you had to attend afterward. It's a long & lengthy process. Use that as motivation to keep sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Remember this IS a lifestyle change, This is not a diet. Sure we may be cutting back on calories now but in the long run we will still have to work on maintaining our weight. There are so many reasons to live a long, healthy life. Over-eating just isn't worth it. I'd say 80-90% of the whole weight loss process is mentally stimulating. You have to WANT to make a change in your life. If you are not on board 100% then you will fight yourself tooth and nail every day and it will be an inner-struggle for you. Find peace with yourself and list all the reasons why you had the lap band procedure, why you SHOULD continue living healthy every day and how GOOD you will feel afterward. It doesn't mean you can't have a cookie or slice of cake every once in a while, it just means you have to do it in moderation. Learn to enjoy fine foods & savor them. You will lose your appreciation for food if you have them daily. I say this b/c I know how you feel. I have to learn to overcome certain feelings I have toward food as well. Good luck.