If only she had stuck with it...



  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    I love your story, although it is sad and hard to read. Thank you for sharing. The significant health history in my family is a great motivator for me too, although I am sad that certain family members have been unwell. My maternal grandfather was obese and suffered major depression (and thus, social isolation). He suffered heart disease, adult onset diabetes, high blood pressure. He had pain in his legs that made walking difficult. I feel sad that he had these problems and that they just got worse over the years.

    My mother passed on to me the tendency to have low self-esteem about my body. This is simply because she felt that way about herself too. Thank God she does what she can to stay active and has a tendency to eat healthy foods in healthy portions! I am inspired by her more and more as we both get older.

    I am sad about your mother's health. Sometimes we cannot get other people to take better care of ourselves, but we have control over our own actions. I wish you all the best. Thank you for your story. I agree with you wholeheartedly. The longer we wait to take care of our bodies, the harder it gets to take the first step.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Very inspiring post. My sister and I joke that we are our mother's daughters. There's so many little things that we do that comes directly from her: like loving tea, being serious clothes horses/shoppers, have a bit of cleaning OCD. We also got some of the not so good for you stuff like loving mayonaise on everything, absolute chocoholics, and smoking.

    Fortunately she always inspired us to do the best we could and we're hard workers, we've lost lots of weight. My sister quit smoking 10 yrs ago, I quit 5 yrs now. But mom never did and she passed away from lung cancer 3.5 years ago. I still miss her every day (and my dad who also passed away from lung cancer in 1982 at the age of 54, took us a while to learn). I wish I could have inspired her as much as she inspired us. I don't know if it would have changed the outcome but to have her quit cigarettes and try would have been worth the effort.

    My sister tells me every once in a while how proud our mom would have been of me for making such a huge change in my life. Its not easy by any means but I hope everyone sticks with it because there is someone who will be proud of you..... including yourself. And the rewards are immeasurable in some ways (how do you measure happiness and a sense of accomplishment?

    Good luck to all, hang in there.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Thanks everyone for listening, and for all of your kind words. I really felt like I had to get this off my chest. And I really want to help people understand how time can get away from you if you let it.

    My four year old daughter exercises right along with me now, and I love it!

    Thank God for MFP therapy!!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    This makes me think of my mother. I am in the same boat, just at a younger age. My mother has been on fad diets for as long as I can remember. The only reason I ever started eating better was becasue I borrowed her information when she went to WW meetings and educated myself. I was just able to stick to it.
    She has even had weight loss surgery and hasn't been able to do it... she would over eat and then throw it all up.....it makes me SO sad becasue I just want her to be happy and healthy. I know my father doesn't help bc he barely even tries to lose weight, but it breaks my heart to see my mother unhappy. My whole family LOVES food and it was a huge part of my childhood...and we were/are ALL obease.
    Sometimes it even makes me upset bc we have seen my grandmother suffer and she wasn't even overweight. I keep thinking to myself how bad it will be fro her when she is my grandmothers age. I can't se my father living for more than 7 years if he doesn't get his act together...sometimes it makes me angry bc my husband and I want to have kids in a bout 5 years and I feel like they don't care to be around for their grandchildren.
  • oscelyn
    oscelyn Posts: 54
    Great post Heather...even more reasons to continue doing what we do...and leaning to LOVE it!
  • MsScorpio67
    MsScorpio67 Posts: 91 Member
    That really hit home for me. Our stories are quite similar. And it makes me never want to give up. Being on MFP I have found a new energy to make a difference in my life by doing the best I can cause I see others doing so.

    Great post.

    Thank you
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Awesome statement. I am the mom of four and want them to see me as a healthy good example. I want to be a grandmother (one day) that can take the kids for the weekend and do fun things. How sad for your mom that she can't enjoy this time of her life. Thank you for sharing this thought!!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    I needed to read this.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Ice,

    Don't give up on your weight loss, it may be tough but it is so worth it. I have always been heavy all my life and it is no fun. This past June I turned 40 and decided it was time to make a change so I joined a gym that was new and just seemed spacious with a friendly atmosphere. I started working out slowly over the summer and lost some weight but then the school year started and life happen (family health concerns, back issues etc)- so I got off track in working out. Then in January I saw a program for the new year and decided to take the plunge. It was the best choice I could have made- now I workout with a personal trainer twice a week-this keeps me motivated since I am accountable to him. Find a workout partner or a trainer that you like and set a goal. My new goal is to lose 40 pounds by June 6- my birthday, currently I have lost 20 pounds. The point is your story sounds like mine but once you put your mind to it you can do it as well. You are welcome to friend me if you want. Good luck on your weight loss goals.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    This sounds a lot like my mom. Guess I'm not alone. It is very difficult to stand by and watch someone destroy their health. My mom has Celiac's, Diabetes, is overweight, high cholesterol and blood pressure. She refuses to stick to her diet or exercise and eats fast food 2-3 times per DAY. Then she wonders why she feels poorly and is depressed.

    It definitely motivates me to look at my own self and keep working to be healthy and active again. It is humbling to think about how our choices affect the ones we love.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Thank you for sharing this. When my son was born, I swore he would never know me as a fat mom. I've struggled up and down
    and here I am, down 72 lbs but still needing to lose another 78 and he will be 6 years old tomorrow.
    I'm happy that I'm doing it now but wish I had done it 6 years ago like planned.
    My love to you and your Momma!