
Hey Guys,

I have to be really honest here and say I thought I didn't need any calorie counting useless website I was going to get rid of this post stop smoking weight 'MY' way...................Mistake number 1 to 99

This site was recommended by my partners brother, we trusted him so jumped in.....what a revelation what a great help what was I talking about.....oh yeah what a brilliant way of focusing on what enters our mouths and how we are exercising.

Its only week one but already this site is rocking and I wish you all well and massive success.

P.S we took some pics of our bods as well, it keeps the kids away from the house and makes us pretty ashamed of what we have done



  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    Welcome and good luck!
  • antoinemb
    antoinemb Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! we're all in this together...this is only my third day and focusing on staying below my calorie intake. My goal is to lose 20 lbs my August. It's not easy but I know that soon it will just become second nature to be accountable for what food and what quantity I eat. Congratulations on your first week, hang in there and I know we can succeed.
  • RuePaul
    RuePaul Posts: 12
    Thanks Guys,

    Big Hugs and good luck
