I can't eat back my exercise calories



  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I saw this yesterday some one posted it on their visit to a nutritionist. I agree with everyone that you shouldn't be counting the violin practice, I am a nurse and don't count any of the walking I do while at work.


    after any workout, whether cardio or strength training, it is important to refuel our body with the right nutrients. this way, we can recover more effectively, replace our muscles with glycogen, build muscle mass and burn more body fat, and see results faster.

    he recommended:
    - something that's easy to digest (NO fat or animal meats, and ideally liquid)
    - carbs are most important - a food with a high-glycemic index (GI) is best, so it can be absorbed quickly
    - easy-digesting protein - he recommended whey

    examples are:
    - a 20-oz orange/fruit punch gatorade with one scoop of whey powder (whey protein is most easily digested) - supposedly, it will taste like a creamsicle
    - milk/yogurt (e.g., chocolate milk)
    - fruit

    his top pick was a mixture of gatorade/whey protein - which is absorbed most quickly. after exercise, you want a spike in insulin from simple sugars, because it will cause the body to revert to an anabolic state and help you gain muscle. in contrast, you do NOT want a high GI food during other parts of the day, because the spike in insulin will make cells more sensitive to fat absorption. so if you do eat a fruit during the day, be sure to accompany it with a handful of nuts, an ounce of cheese, etc. to avoid the insulin spike

    the TIMING of post-workout nutrition is also critical. he said the "window of opportunity" is 45 minutes (reference is a study by Drs. John Ivy and Robert Portman), and ideally it should be taken within 15-30 minutes post-workout. beyond the 45-min window, your muscles become less sensitive and efficient at replenishing glycogen stores. ryan also recommended a full meal within 60-90 minutes post-workout.

    i know the topic of EATING BACK EXERCISE CALORIES is hugely debated on MFP! =), but he agrees it is very important, and suggested that i eat 75% back right during post-recovery nutrition so that it can be used directly for muscle building. the TIMING of eating back exercise calories is also important. he said many people might think they can eat a huge bowl of cereal much later in the day, given they burned a lot of calories.. but if you eat them back during other parts of the day and it is a large number of calories, the excess calories will be converted into fat. so eating them back during the post-workout window is ideal.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I am really concerned about your estimates of calorie burn. I thinkthey are WAY high. That may be your problem
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Eat them back, don't eat them back...there are arguments to both sides and some people actually will eat part of them back as a way to compromise. It's a personal choice. This website seems to find value in eating them back and since I'm *not* a nutrition and exercise guru I'm making no argument either way.

    That being said, if you want to up your calories easily while still being healthy I'd look into getting some peanut butter. Have you seen how many calories are in a couple tbsp? Surely you can eat a few out of the jar without problem and chase it with some milk.

    Lots of protein there. Also I had a friend who was underweight that actually had to see a legitimate nutritionist. She recommended it as a healthy addition of calories.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    You need to net around 1200 calories.
    The site already puts you at a deficit of 1200 calories, so when you exercise and burn say 800 calories all your body has left for the other functions it needs to carry out for the day is 400 calories. That's WAY too little.

    Your body will go into starvation mode by doing that since you aren't letting it function properly. Also you're body will start to recruit from body stores, mainly protein which 1. you're going to lose protein mass and 2. even if you do lose weight you'll be "fat-skinny" since you still will have a lot of fat stores but little muscle stores.

    I'd say as long as you reach a net of 1200 calories you should be alright, but don't go under than consistently or you'll go into starvation.

    this explains the eating back exercise calories pretty well
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    2) What are you eating? If you open your diary we can likely help you pick out places and foods you can bulk up to reach your goals.
    I will do that right now :) And would appreciate feedback on it.
    By the way I can't eat cows milk or meat so that makes it quite hard to get calories in easily. It also isn't great for me to eat too much carbs because of IBS.
    3) Don't do a workout on top of everything else? I mean you already lead an active lifestyle and are getting a consistent burn.
    I work out because violin elevates my heart rate only to about 120 max if I am playing certain things. Usually like 70-90. Enough that I break a small sweat within about 15 minutes but not enough that I need to take a shower at the end! Also I have a heart condition so I think it's really important I give it a good workout regularly, and walking/violin can't (I imagine) be enough to ensure things like boosting metabolism, keeping my blood pressure good etc. Also helps my IBS and boosts my mood so I'm not wanting to quit "proper" high intensity exercise at all.

    The reason I don't want to set my daily activity level as "heavy" is that my practice at the moment varies hugely as I am recovering from a wrist injury. It is at the moment between 1-3 hours only a day, but will soon be back to 5. I also take Saturdays off completely most weeks.

    So maybe I will stop counting those violin practice calories, as it is only a small elevation of HR and also my muscles are very used to it as I've been doing it for years...
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I am really concerned about your estimates of calorie burn. I thinkthey are WAY high. That may be your problem
    I am just using the MFP calculator and I have checked a lot of sources on violin practice. I think people would be surprised how physically hard it is. If you watch a soloist on any instrument at a high level you will generally see sweat running down their face pretty quickly!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I am really concerned about your estimates of calorie burn. I thinkthey are WAY high. That may be your problem
    I am just using the MFP calculator and I have checked a lot of sources on violin practice. I think people would be surprised how physically hard it is. If you watch a soloist on any instrument at a high level you will generally see sweat running down their face pretty quickly!

    Do you play those types of demanding pieces often? And is it consistent? Your heart rate needs to be elevated consistently for the duration of your time playing to burn that many calories. Now, if you are at that high level of energy for 15-30 seconds and then slow down for the next minute before you're back at it again you could probably assume that your heart rate didn't have enough time to lower too much. But if you are working the violin hard for five consecutive minutes but then don't play again for another ten minutes - that's PLENTY of time for your heart rate to drop. Make sense? :-/
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I am really concerned about your estimates of calorie burn. I thinkthey are WAY high. That may be your problem

    agree. unless u are wearing a HRM that reads out these numbers these numbers are crazy high.

    even with a HRM u shud subtract the amount of calories that u wud be burning from normal activity anyway. example, rule of thumb i take off 10cals for every min i'm exercising cuz i wud be burning calories just sitting down breathing anyway. make sense?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I didnt know that we were supposed to eat back the exercise calories.......

    wow, PLEASE read the link at the bottom of my signature
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Do you play those types of demanding pieces often? And is it consistent? Your heart rate needs to be elevated consistently for the duration of your time playing to burn that many calories. Now, if you are at that high level of energy for 15-30 seconds and then slow down for the next minute before you're back at it again you could probably assume that your heart rate didn't have enough time to lower too much. But if you are working the violin hard for five consecutive minutes but then don't play again for another ten minutes - that's PLENTY of time for your heart rate to drop. Make sense? :-/
    Yeah I will often do 1hr without more than 15 seconds break at a time on high intensity. To the point where my irregular heart rhythm will kick in esp in summer when it's a bit warm. Sometimes I will have an hour where I don't get above 85 but rarely.

    Do you guys think the solution is to simply not log practice as exercise? I mean my body is very used to it and I don't get out of breath even if my HR is 120, my muscles never hurt etc like in a regular workout or even walking fast...I have been doing 5h+ a day for 5 years now so maybe I should not count it and just try harder to hit 1200 every day.
  • vdaniela3
    vdaniela3 Posts: 22 Member
    idk, I played violin, not for 5 hrs. But I wouldn't think it burned 800 calories, I wouldn't be comfortable counting that as exercise. Now maybe if you were out on the field marching Drum and Bugle Corp (dci), but concert violin, no.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You might consider counting only part of them- they are def activity. I think someone on here suggested you switch to "moderately active" and not count it- I think that's a good idea. But if you still arent making up your cals, it looks like you could beef up each meal by about 100 cals without too much effort.

    Also what is Sainsbury? I see it in a lot of my UK friends' diaries. Much curiousness...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I do not think you should log your violin practice. I would consider it to be more of a "lifestyle" activity and not a "fitness" activity Now, if you went running or swam laps, then you'd count it. For example, a pro basketball player would not count his games as "exercise" on top of lifestyle, because it IS his lifestyle. But since I would only play basketball for fitness/fun, it would be "exercise".
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Also what is Sainsbury? I see it in a lot of my UK friends' diaries. Much curiousness...
    It's a big supermarket chain. Like Tesco or Asda.

    Ok I think what I will do is just not log practice. The worst that can happen is I lose more weight than I expect to, but I think maybe at the moment it is not representing what I'm burning accurately enough. Then I will try harder to eat all my daily calories including eating back all other exercise. I guess I will just see how that goes for a week or 2, and if I am obviously then under-estimating how much food I need when I practice a lot then I will go up to a different activity level.

    Any more suggestions or comments are welcome! My diary is open.
  • Do you have your lifestyle listed correctly? As it sounds to me like you are pretty active and therefore you probably can hav emore than 1200 as your base level?
  • AshiaJ
    AshiaJ Posts: 1 Member
    I don't think you are neccessarily eating back your calories. I was a little confused with this too. Basically, you burn calories when you exercise...adding calories back to your calorie limit for the day. As such you can eat more, if you choose. However, I think if you're trying to lose the weight, you burn the calories and keep below the limit. Think of it this way...if you eat breakfast and lunch then go to the gym and burn 500 calories...you just burned off your breakfast. So now all that my cound count will be the lunch and dinner calories. which is great because that where the weight lost kicks in
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Eat back what you can. You'll get used to it. I had trouble eating a lot at first but now I can eat 3k cals a day without much trouble.

    Look at your daily goals and see what you are short on.
    If you've got room for fats, peanut butter is an awesome way to get in calories easily.
    Skim milk is also another option if you have room for carbs/protein. I always have both of these every day.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I agree with bmont.

    Don't try to go up 500 or 600 calories all at once, ramp up to it. Add 50 or 75 calorie this week, and another 50 or 75 next week, ...etc. before you know it, you'll be where you need to be.

    the body will adapt hormonally to the amount of energy you give it. I.E. if you're consistently giving your body 1200 calories, whether or not that's the right energy amount for you, your body will eventually "learn to deal" with those calories and stop sending hunger signals. Likewise, if you've been super low for a while, and try to suddenly go up, you're going to feel really full and bloated, it doesn't matter whether you need it or not. So give your body time to adjust, let the hormone levels even out, and be patient. It takes time to do this stuff correctly.
  • djdem1
    djdem1 Posts: 2 Member
    oh no i drink shakeology every day... why you say i am getting ripped off? the nutrients are great and it taste good, but i am willing to hear what you think...thanks so much!:happy:
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