I'm like the Hunchback of Notre Dame :(



  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    BY ALL MEANS! I am not a doctor. haha! So yes definitely please if you feel you have something else always find out for sure. This way though if it isn't which for your sake I hope it isn't.. you at least still have all of your cards in play. One thing I learned about the medical world. Go in with ammo and education. Don't play the dumb card in that situation or they will do what they FEEL like doing not what you need done. Good luck! =0)
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    Migraines... come from the same stuff I am speaking of as well. Had a client with migraines 3-4 times a week.. Where she had to call off work all the time. After 3 months of treatment for upper cross syndrome she no longer had any migraines. It has been a year now and she is still migraine free. Do the research and find someone to help you. I would love to if I was able.. buy me a private jet and i am all over it! =0)

    LOL you're too funny!!

    Maybe for the OP it could be upper cross syndrome but I think the more I look at the wiki description I'm fitting 80-90% of the symptoms. So a full dr. appt with blood work is in the cards for me.
    ^ Same
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I can't tell which I fit the most, upper cross syndrome or cushing syndrome. Probably more of an upper cross syndrome.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    The only reason why I question Cushings is because I know for a fact that I do have hormone issues that effect my cycles and fertility. So it's either completely separate (which is very plausable) or it's all related and no one has connected the dots (also very plausable) lol I hope I just have bad posture though. :happy: