Are some people really just naturally big?



  • blackdragonclare
    Just like anything else in life, it simply comes down to how badly you want it. Your health needs to be a top priority in your life- putting other things ahead of it will only yield unsatisfactory results. If you are willing and able to FULLY commit yourself, then you WILL succeed. But the commitment needs to be there, otherwise you'll have frustration in its place. This is your life- how it turns out is entirely up to YOU.
    as much as I want to lose weight I will always put my children before me and anything else so I guess I'm destined to fail
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I want to add this: My mom, and the rest of her family, are thinner people. They have small frames. My father passed away at well over 600 lbs. Growing up, I ate pretty well, was outside a lot playing sports, hiking, swimming, and yet I was a size 9 when I graduated from 8th grade. By the time I graduated high school, I was a 12/14. I was still playing sports, still eating well. For me, I gain weight SO easily, and I have a HELL of a time losing it. I made terrible choices with food as an adult, and on top of 3 pregnancies in 6 years, I gained a LOT of weight. At my highest, I was 230 lbs. I'm now at 216, up from 204 after I lost 25 lbs. I think that when your body gains weight easily, you have to make better choices than someone who doesn't.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    This may come across as a 2x4 but giving your children an unhealthy overweight mom is not putting them first in my opinion. This attitude also suggests any of us not overweight "do not put our kids first". I'm giving my kids a healthy and energetic mom that will hopefully be enjoying life and my great grandkids when I'm 80. I am also teaching them a healthy and active life style. Thatmay be one of the most important lessons in life I can show them.

    In this thread alone you've listed 3 excuses - being big boned, emotional issues, and being a mom. They are all excuses. If you want it bad enough YOU WILL JUST DO IT. We all have kids, problems, money issues etc. That's life and tomorrow our problems will still be here. Over eating doesn't make any of that better or easier to deal with.
  • SparkleKittie
    I naturally have a very wide hips and shoulders and slightly taller bone structure than most girls. I get **** for it, but then there are men who LOVE curvy, tall women. *shrugs* All I know is I feel better and better about myself the more weight I lose.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Hmmm, I don't know, if you listen to the HAES policy (Health at Every Size) then you are meant to be the weight that you are and for some people that is large or even very large. They believe (know?) that a higher weight does not make you less healthy, except in extreme cases. They actually think it makes you more healthy in many ways. They say that having a healthy lifestyle is important but that this may or may not result in weight loss and, if it doesn't, the only problem with that is that society is prejudiced against fat people.

    I don't think I buy it but it's certainly a view point that's out there.
  • Arielnesika
    Arielnesika Posts: 87 Member
    I recently had my lean body mass measured and it was 161 pounds, I'm 5'7". It was kind of awesome to know exactly how many pounds of fat I'm carrying on my body... and to know that my goal weight probably shouldn't be 160 pounds. I just won't ever be a size 2 and that's fine! Maybe LBM decreases with weight loss (I haven't gotten a complete answer on that) but it seems like unless I were to loose bone density, guts, or muscle mass, I just wouldn't want to be below or even too near that weight.

    Sorry about the long self-centered comment but...I really suggest getting that measurement. I may be misunderstanding it, but it definitely gave me some peace of mind about my goal weight.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Just like anything else in life, it simply comes down to how badly you want it. Your health needs to be a top priority in your life- putting other things ahead of it will only yield unsatisfactory results. If you are willing and able to FULLY commit yourself, then you WILL succeed. But the commitment needs to be there, otherwise you'll have frustration in its place. This is your life- how it turns out is entirely up to YOU.
    as much as I want to lose weight I will always put my children before me and anything else so I guess I'm destined to fail

    Sweetie, I have three kids (10, 9 and 3) and a hubby. I really believe in order to take care of everyone else I need to take good care of myself. Its OK to put yourself on the priority list. Getting my 60 minutes of exercise and taking a bit of extra time to make a more time consuming healthier meal doesn't make me a bad mom. In my house if mommy ain't happy ain't nobody happy, lol. Remember you are setting examples for your kids on how to live the best healthiest life. When I take good care of myself I am happier and have more energy to keep up with them. It really does pay you back.

  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    This may come across as a 2x4 but giving your children an unhealthy overweight mom is not putting them first in my opinion. This attitude also suggests any of us not overweight "do not put our kids first". I'm giving my kids a healthy and energetic mom that will hopefully be enjoying life and my great grandkids when I'm 80. I am also teaching them a healthy and active life style. Thatmay be one of the most important lessons in life I can show them.

    In this thread alone you've listed 3 excuses - being big boned, emotional issues, and being a mom. They are all excuses. If you want it bad enough YOU WILL JUST DO IT. We all have kids, problems, money issues etc. That's life and tomorrow our problems will still be here. Over eating doesn't make any of that better or easier to deal with.


    We are all here because we made excuses for way too long or justified our being overweight. You can choose to do something about it or choose to justify why you are overweight and stay on that path.

    My excuse was that I was too busy. I travel some for work, sometimes I work 16 hour days, so in my mind I had no time for weight loss. Finally I got off my rear end a couple months ago and realized long work days and travel are no excuse to suck down oversized portions. I still work long hours and fly all over the place (I'm in an airport right now!) but I am responsible for every morsel that goes in my mouth. Sure, I don't exercise as much as I would like because I am pressed for time but I am doing the best I can for my situation.

    I don't mean to be so blunt but really it is up to you. Everyone here has their own hardships, it is just a matter of how badly you want to reach your end goal. Try using MFP, lean on this community for CAN do it!