Low fat treats for vegetarians.

labealtaine Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Hello all,

I'm using the iphone app to track my daily calories and it's brilliant - I'm finding that I'm coming well under my daily limit, so the occasional treat isn't out of the question.

BUT I'm vegetarian, and I always find that the low-fat versions of things (yoghurts, cakes, anything nice) have gelatine in them - which is a no-no (I'll not say why, in case anyone's squeamish).

Can anyone point me towards any options that WON'T lead me to cracking and eating an entire tesco cheesecake?

thanks all!


  • I am having that very same problem!
    They either have Gelatine in or are high in sugar and low in fat.
    It really doesn't help and I've been on the lookout for other alternatives, if I find anything I will let you know but I am going to check this post often in hope someone else replies with one.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Really??? I think I need to read these labels closer. Yoghurt?? Come on food producers - not fair to slip things like this in our food. Thanks for the alert!
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