Correct daily calorie intake??

1370 calories a day? Wondering if this is a low number. I've been exercising between 3-5 days a week and haven't lost anything....I end up getting pretty hungry at night before bed....not eating everything in sight but end up going over that 1370. I know I don't get my all my water in. That's hard. It takes me all morning to drink 1 cup of coffee, and then I sip water throughout the rest of day. Wondering if the water is keeping me from losing. I only want to lose 10-15 lbs!


  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Are you eating back any of your exercise calories? You should be eating them back, sans the ones that you would have burned anyways at rest.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    It would depend on how you have set yourself up on MFP ie weight, height, age and goals.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    What is your height, weight and if you know it, bodyfat %?

    Also, how active are you on a daily basis (aside from intentional exercise)? How often do you exercise on a weekly basis and are you tracking your calories burned on a Heart Rate Monitor?
  • Emi_chan
    Emi_chan Posts: 105 Member
    I find that once I started eating back my exercise calories, that I started losing weight again. I was eating at a net of 800 calories before, not eating back my calories burned and never lost weight. But now, I've been eating about 1500-1700 calories and then burning about 350-400 calories to get to my net of 1200 calories or as close to it as possible. For the past few weeks, I've actually seen a loss. ;) So that would be my suggestion. :)
  • don't cut back on should be drinking 8 cups a least.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Just to pick up on the water drinking, you will get people on here swearing by drinking LOTS of water, I don't drink much at all (of anything) and it never stopped me losing weight. Everyone is different, I have say though that my sodium intake is normally fairly low.