Tracy Anderson???

Do any of you use Tracy Anderson videos? The Method or her new Metamorphosis videos? I'm not getting outside to exercise much right now and am using dvds and the computer to work out. I have most of the Jillian Michaels dvds, an Element Ballet Conditioning dvd, and some yoga dvds. I am tired of them all and need some fresh inspiration. I was considering Tracy A.'s and not sure if they are worth the money.


  • cathyAprice
    I went through tons of workout videos before finding my soulmate workout, Turbo Jam--been doing it for about 2 years and I still look forward to it. It fun and you'll burn a ton of calories. I just started the next step up from TJ, Turbo Fire and it is INTENSE! If you want more info, just holler!

  • Cindylulu34
    Cindylulu34 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Cathy, I'll look into that