The 9 pound plateau -- Part 2

suzooz Posts: 720 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So my body seems to want to plateau every 9 pounds or so.

The first time my body did this was at 9 pounds -- it was really frustrating not to be able to say I had lost 10 pounds. I know it's just a number - but why does 10 seem to be so much more than 9?

Now, I'm at 18, and for the last couple of weeks I've been trading a pound here, 1/2 pound there - constantly up and down on a daily basis. (I only record once a week, but I like to know what my body's doing throughout the day).

All I have to say is that I'd better be building muscle! :smile: Are my clothes fitting better? Actually, no. Jeans that fit 10 pounds ago are now snug in the thighs. (HUH?)

I just started working out after several years on the couch. Things are going slowly -- I can't even pass the gray-haired lady jogging in the park. Then I think -- wait a minute-- she's just a cartoon! Mii can do 3 miles! LOL

I'm not giving up -- not this time! Even if it takes a couple of months, dozensof gallons of water (REALLY need to work on this goal!) and several pints of sweat to do it.



  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I was thinking the water - I feel that way when I don't meet the 8 - 10 cups per day... Try to give yourself a high goal on water like 12-14 cups and be happy even if you only do the 8-10 cups.

    Also, try to eat most of your carbs early in the day - that's another thing that I can tell when I've eaten a lot at night.

    Hopefully it will work for you too.
    Good luck.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Some of us just lose more slowly than others. I plateaued about twice before I hit the 30 pound mark. Its depressing sometimes to see your friends drop 2, 3, even 4 pounds a week. Just keep at what you're doing. Seriously work on that water goal and make sure you're watching your food intake. Water seems to boost the weightloss for me. Try changing up your workout routine. Are you eating too much or too little? You will have to judge that. I can look at your diary if its open. You seem to have a very positive attitude about it. That's great. Hang in there!:wink:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks so much for the posts. The scale actually started moving in the right direction -- let's see if it holds for the official weigh in day tomorrow.

    I am kicking up my workouts a notch, and trying to focus on drinking more water. (I'm a Diet Coke / Coffee Addict!)

    Let's see if this does the trick.

    Thanks again!
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